Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition |
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Posted By: RexA section of the road in front of the garden is a low point and when it rains, gets a lot of water that used to 'flood' the front garden. When we built, I installed a sump and drainage pipe to the rear woodland, all slightly downhill. From the sump, the exit pipe is 70mm flexi and around 6m further on, goes into a 100mm flexi. I don't recall how the two where 'sealed' together, but my guess is that over the past 15 years, the roots have found their way in.
Posted By: Rexor divining rod!
Posted By: RexRegret now but at the time of building, did not take enough photos.
Posted By: RexRegret now but at the time of building, did not take enough photos. Certainly did not think this could be a future problem.There's a very sensible rule that we followed which is to lay straight pipes between inspection points where the direction can change. I thought it was a requirement, but may be I'm wrong? We've had to re-lay two of the manholes because they weren't fitted firmly enough in place originally, but that's a minor issue.
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