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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2024
    Fans, skirting radiators, radiators plastered into the walls, ...
    How do you plaster a radiator into a wall??

    What about kitchen plinth heaters or even a heater into the MVHR?
    Check/challenge the MCS assumptions about as air change rates and insulation and room temperature.

    Eg if you call it a 'living room', MCS uses different values from if you call it a 'family room'. MCS assumes underfloor insulation will be thin. Etc

    If you still genuinely need more radiators area, then look at double panel and triple panel radiators.

    Look at tall vertical radiators but be careful the fancy designer ones have a wide range of outputs, some are more decorative than practical.

    Fan-coil radiators were all a bit utilitarian last time I looked at them, maybe noisy, might be ok depending which room it is. Maybe they've moved on I don't know.

    We were suggested to look at fan connectors that go in the kickspace under the units in kitchen/utility.
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2024
    Victorianeco asked: "How do you plaster a radiator into a wall??"


    and also: "What about kitchen plinth heaters or even a heater into the MVHR?"

    kitchen plinth heaters are a form of fan heater. By a "heater into the MVHR" you presumably mean a post-heater. I have one (a VEAB) and it works well. Be aware there are fairly low limits to the output power since air temperature needs to be limited to 50°C. Mine limits at about 1.2 kW, which is generally enough in my house.
    Some good reading there djh. I guess it would be easy to DIY a wall system, same principles of using 16mm pipe on the wall, baton and throw a screed mix onto the wall then board with PB and skim... A simple TRV or stat could be used to control the flow. Would be able to get 100mm spacing very easily.

    However, we have compromised on a radiator location with her indoors that should work.

    Combined with my calcs. I think we'll be alright with the radiator size as opposed to teh size the MCS guy has suggested. Who wants to maintain 21c at -2c anyway. That's where an electric heater could be used to top up on the rare occasion. Using whole house heating method the radiators in the other rooms will compensate for sure anyway
    I would always be nervous with wall heating because some years down the line someone will hang a picture or put up a shelf..........
    Any recommended suppliers of column radiators?
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