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    We are looking to opening up some window openings and will need some larger cavity lintels

    Is there a preference in type? Are thermally efficient lintels actually worth it?

    Finally - any recommended supplier? The largest lintel would need to be ~4.5lm including bearing As it is a ground floor am I right in just saying the suppliers would just have standard specs?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2024
    Engineer to do do design in my book

    There are normal and heavy duty lintels but neither can take point loads

    I like seperate lintels for inner and outer leaf so as to eliminate thermal bridging which is horrendous for steel lintels
    • CommentAuthorbig_mike
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2024 edited
    Sorry, it was a test post as I couldn't post using another browser. Had hoped to delete it. Sorry again.
    What about the cavity trays then if using separate?
    presumably, the "Tony Tray" !
    Which is...
    I'm essentially looking to remove the brick pillars in there centre on the left hand windows

    I guess my first thought is to expose the existing lintel just to check it's not continuous? (Unlikely)
    Posted By: VictorianecoI'm essentially looking to remove the brick pillars in there centre on the left hand windows

    I guess my first thought is to expose the existing lintel just to check it's not continuous? (Unlikely)

    And even if it is you will need to get it checked to ensure that the lintel will take the load without the pillars.
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2024
    Posted By: VictorianecoWhich is...
    google tony tray?
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2024
    if that reads 4.6 m long then you will need a calc presumably you have notified LABC so they would need to see it.
    I have 2 openings that wide ground floor and 1st floor. The ground floor is a pair of steel UB the upper floor a cavity lintel a standard size but made to the job from IG. The SE did the calcs and specification, I could never understand why one was a lintel and the other an UB. Something to do with static and dynamic loads. The UB takes a floor and the lintel several course of blockwork which will be a lot heavier than all the persons you could possibly stand on the floor, The knowledgeable person on here could explain?
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