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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthoroliviaaa99
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2024 edited
    Hello everyone!

    We are hoping to make the socket and switch back boxes as airtight as possible (sealing the knockout holes, screw holes etc), but they are already installed so will need to retrofit. Is it safe to use Tescon vana to do this?

    My current thought is using a strip of tape across the back/sides of the inside box to cover all the holes in one go, then to seal the hole around the wires using sealant. I've only seen posts online of people using sealant to cover every single hole, but to me it seems more efficient to use tape? So I wanted to see if anyone else has done it or if it's not recommended as we absolutely want to make sure it’s 100% safe.

    I'm also not sure what exactly to use for sealant around the wires as I see some people call it fire caulk and others heat resistant silicone? This is what I'm thinking at the moment but want to make sure we get the right product: https://www.everbuild.co.uk/products/sealants/specialist-sealants/everflex-heat-mate-heat-resistant-sealant/

    Thank you so much!

    It depends a bit on where the wires come in. If they are coming thro the back of the box could you perhaps remove the box, plaster around the wires, then pull the wires through an EPDM grommet (which you can make yourself with offcuts of EPDM roofing sheet) which, when the plaster has gone off and is primed with air-tightness primer, you then tape in to the wall. You now have an air-tight cable entry and needs to do no more with the box. It may not be as simple as it sounds, in that you may have to deepen the chases, but see what you think of the idea.
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2024
    I have used this product for a similar purpose to yours:

    • CommentAuthoroliviaaa99
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2024 edited
    Posted By: Nick ParsonsHello!

    It depends a bit on where the wires come in. If they are coming thro the back of the box could you perhaps remove the box, plaster around the wires, then pull the wires through an EPDM grommet (which you can make yourself with offcuts of EPDM roofing sheet) which, when the plaster has gone off and is primed with air-tightness primer, you then tape in to the wall. You now have an air-tight cable entry and needs to do no more with the box. It may not be as simple as it sounds, in that you may have to deepen the chases, but see what you think of the idea.

    hi nick! they come in through the bottom, I don't think we'll remove the boxes as they've been plastered/painted around already unfortunately! I think the Vana could be the easiest/quickest solution, but I'm just not sure if it's safe to use inside the box itself! I've seen people mention foil tape but nothing about airtight tape
    • CommentAuthoroliviaaa99
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2024
    Posted By: Jeff BI have used this product for a similar purpose to yours:


    hello Jeff! I was looking into putty but saw someone mention that eventually it dries and loses the seal which scared me! thank you for the suggestion though! :bigsmile:
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