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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorminisaurus
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2024
    We have an EAHP; it has issues.

    I'm considering getting a monobloc, and decoupling the radiator system from the EAHP. So the EAHP is only for hot water & ventilation.

    3 questions about monoblocs:

    Do they have to stand on concrete? Suitable places at our house are all wooden deck affairs.

    Must I have glycol in the radiator pipes in case of stoppages (it can go down to -20 here ...)?

    Would it be feasible to just turn the whole thing off in the summer? It's a noise/vibe thing - our outdoor seating area is often completely still & quiet in summer apart from the occasional rustle of Aspen leaves
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2024
    Posted By: minisaurusDo they have to stand on concrete? Suitable places at our house are all wooden deck affairs.
    I don't know but I'd guess the two things to worry about are weight and vibration. With wooden decking, I'd be worried also about the lifetime of the decking. I wouldn't want the HP falling through!
    I would suggest that all 3 questions are best suited to ask the manufacturer of your chosen machine as they will want the install specs. to their standard to ensure the guarantee.
    1) no, they are often mounted hanging on a wall, on brackets with anti vibration mounts, same as other aircon units you see (same thing).

    2) no, best practice in the UK is no glycol, but with an anti-freezing valve. Might be different in your climate.

    3) yes.

    The monoblocs sold in the last 3-5 years are _much_ quieter than previous generations. Quieter than a gas boiler now.
    • CommentAuthorminisaurus
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2024
    Thanks WillinAberdeen (and the others too, of course :)

    I think it's anti-freeze valves here too, but will check with they who sell ...

    Great to know that you can turn them off; we don't need heating 3 months of the year; I get irritated by our EAHP which has to be on all the time, despite our lack of need of heating, hot water and constant-flow ventilation ...

    I wonder if it's ok to say this on the forum, but I really miss having a gas boiler! But heatpumps are theoretically more environmentally friendly here in Sweden, because the electricity is 100% renewable (apart from the odd very cold day)
    • CommentAuthorminisaurus
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2024
    A fourth question has occurred - I'm hearing that an accumulator tank between the monobloc and rad system helps to reduce unwanted clicking banging and whooshing noises in the rad system; anyone any idea how bad such noises might be?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2024
    I had decking where my ASHP went so I simply removed a section and built a couple of blockwork pillars on simple footings at right angles to the wall I then bolted timber onto the blockwork and sat the heat pump on thick standard rubber aircon vibration mounts the whole lot ended up just above the level of the decking.

    These are what I used but there a lots of different designs, check the weight loadings.

    • CommentAuthorminisaurus
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2024
    @owlman I like that idea, we'll definitely do that :)
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