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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2024 edited
    Ventilation rates were a mess in the guidance with ideas of rates needed per m2 of floor stea, volume, per person in the space/home, or depending on how many bedrooms

    These used to be one bedroom = 13, 2 bedrooms 17, and 21 for 3 bedrooms

    They now say 19, 25 and 31 respectively and figures are in l/s

    My hobby is energy use reduction and this increase represents a 50% increase in energy use regardless of heat recovery or not !!

    Nothing about occupancy

    The good bit is that PIV and PSV are no longer allowed (except in Scotland) - I always felt PIV in particular was immoral (too expensive for the bill payer)

    Thanks AECB - I will update my lecture notes now.
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2024
    What about positive extract ventilation, modulating to maintain constant 'suction' while inlets open or close regulated by mechanical humidity sensors? So if internal humidity is low, inlets close and the central extract fan slows down.
    I'm in the middle of calculating heat losses in my property ready for the renovation.

    I have found suggested ventilation rates based on air changes per hour 'per room type' - should I ignore these suggested rates in my calculations and use an alternative figure per room?

    The aim will be to use MHRV in the property - so should I just use a set figure (eg. 66% efficient MHRV) as opposed to say 1.5 air changes for a living room? This seems to affect heat loss calcs. significantly....
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2024 edited
    Posted By: tonyMy hobby is energy use reduction and this increase represents a 50% increase in energy use regardless of heat recovery or not !!

    Nothing about occupancy
    The guidance as I understand it is that you must have a design/system that is capable of ventilating at the stated rates. Not that you have to use it at that rate if it is not required at a particular time! Choosing the appropriate rate for the given occupancy is what should be in the user manual, or in automatic sensors (e.g. humidity or CO2 sensors). So I don't think the guidance, which was revised a couple of years ago I think, does represent an increase in energy usage and nor does it ignore occupancy. It simply says that if your entire family comes for Christmas then they shouldn't suffocate or suffer too many brussel sprout smells.

    The good bit is that PIV and PSV are no longer allowed
    I can't find those terms in the guidance. Where are you looking?

    PS An increase of 6 l/s per extra bedroom seems conservativly low. I work on an additional 30 m³/hr (8.33 l/s) per person, rather than room.
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