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    My last house had a Kingspan cylinder 210 litres.

    We are currently renovating the new house and looking at heat pump and cylinder options under the BUS scheme, but we feel it may be better for us to install the new cylinder ourselves and get the grant just for the heat pump.

    What is the best style of cylinder to future proof also? Maybe adding in a feed for PV?

    Maybe a wee bit more info could help us understand your preferred outcome.

    What's wrong with the cyl they are offering as part of the system installation?
    Are they really offering a cyl with no immersion?
    What are you thinking of future proofing against / in favour of?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2024
    I thought the BUS grants involved the complete package, Monobloc unit and cylinder, I may be wrong.
    Made for the job:


    The installers can buy them much cheaper than the end users can
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2024
    The "feed for PV" you mention is an immersion heater boss. If you want a PV diverter to heat the HW then maybe get 2 immersion bosses fitted, one at the top for a quick heat up and one nearer the bottom to capture excess PV after the top is hot. I'm sure Newark will be able to advise on positions
    We need to upgrade the radiators anyway so I was looking to upgrade these first myself and renew the pipework to the proposed cylinder location.

    Then we are looking to upgrade the boiler and install heat pump.

    We've only had one quote so far, so I'll get a few extra quotes first I think...
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2024
    We've got a vented thermal store instead of a pressurised cylinder and would do the same again. You get mains pressure hot water with no need for annual services etc.
    Can you get these with ashp under the BUS scheme?
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2024
    I have no idea.
    I'll ask the question next week, got another installer coming out for a quote
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