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    Has anyone had experience good or bad?

    Looking to upgrade our gravity fed gas system boiler, and had a quote after the grant for supply and fit of just the heat pump and cylinder for £3800

    Thought it seemed excessive in my opinion...
    Not sure what type / size of ASHP you've been quoted for, but if you look at the price of simply buying a small ASHP, say 5kW, you'd be very lucky to find one for the £3800 quoted, never mind cylinder and the full installation aswell. I'd snap their hand off. Be careful about splitting up the installation, versus liability, and also VAT, as the install with the ASHP will be zero VAT. Separate item installation may not.
    I think I'll try and get a few more quotes sorted and then compare
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2024
    With the £7500 grant on top of the £3800 they want you to pay, seems theyre charging alot of money for a HP and cylinder. £3800 might be a good price for you but they seem to be taking the p out of the taxpayer.
    I noticed this with wind turbines, when there was a grant involved or when they brought in the Feed-in-Tariff, the price went up to "fill the gap".
    • CommentAuthorstonecold
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2024
    We have microbore central heating so the cost to replumb was ridiculous compared to using other options like reducing heat needs. Heat pump would also require much larger radiators for a number of our rooms. Costs seem to relate to area you need to heat and size of system you need (I believe there's estimators online). I wouldn't be surprised at a price of £3-4k with the gov grant used (I think it's VAT exempt too?)

    We decided to do MVHR and solid wall insulation together instead and look at heat pump in future, hopefully when gov grants cover microbore or there are other incentives. Heat pumps are also not essential if you retrofit to EnerPHit standards - secondary heating like infrared electric panels - which can be centrally programmed and ceiling mounted - are an alternative, especially for the upstairs which would be worse for us to replumb.
    • CommentAuthorbhommels
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2024
    I've just had an ASHP installed under the BUS. Quotes (after the grant) ranged from £ 2,600 to £ 10,500, which in itself is a bit ridiculous. This included cylinder replacement etc.
    When the boiler was installed (not too long ago, unfortunately) I wanted to have the system as HP ready as possible. Nevertheless I was surprised by the amount of plumbing needed to get the install done.
    From talking to the engineer & plumbers, I can see the function of the BUS. For them, every job is different and needs a custom solution; this inflates the quote as an engineer needs to design and specify the system, and they want to make sure not to lose any money in case they encounter 'unusual' existing plumbing solutions.
    Over time I am sure the industry will come up with standard kit sets to streamline the process and make the quotes more accurate and hopefully lower.
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