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    In my last house I insulated the sub floor with poured in beads.

    In the new house the suspended timber floor is covered with 18mm T&G planks which I really don't want to remove and refit. How can I insulate the space below? I could take away the first and last route but not sure how I could pump beads in to ensure even distribution....
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2024
    Use a bead blower gun and compressor, I find that a garden vac works great too
    I have a Makita blower:

    Would this work?

    Also where's the cheapest place for beads, and how can I ensure the whole void gets filled and not leave empty spots?
    • CommentAuthorcc64
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2024
    Ecclestons on Birmingham sell white EPS beads 10cu ft for around £15 iirc

    For some reason they don't sell graphite ones, despite manufacturing graphite boards
    • CommentAuthorKenny_M
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2024
    I got EPS beads online in the past from custompac, you'll find them online easily. Not graphite, but I was having trouble finding any supplier of beads to the general public for insulation at the time

    They market them as bean bag filling but on the phone they told me that their bean bag fill is exactly the same as the beads they supply for cavity wall insulation. Apparently they used to market it online as insulation but they were getting problems with members of the public ordering without realising that they were getting loose beads that required a binder.
    Okay great, I will get some priced up

    We have 30m2 by probably 600mm depth so 18m3

    I work that out at 63 x 10ft3 bags required... Give or take £1000 seems high?
    • CommentAuthorRobL
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2024
    I’ve seen this great technique a few times - is it generally accepted now by a bco if required?
    found this supplier when pricing up the same concept for a friend:
    similar price, but it says to contact them for bulk orders, so you might be able to get it cheaper? Also delivery costs to add on. my friend has one or two cables under the floor, but he is willing to wrap them in something so that they don't react with the EPS.
    Sorry I have just realised that is the same supplier that cc64 directed you to earlier in this thread!

    Here is another one you could try - not retail, but given the volume required, they might be able to help.
    I am thinking of contacting them for our current project.

    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2024
    Don’t forget to subtract the volume of the sleeper walls, wall plates, joists and floorboards if included in depth.

    Average the depth over several locations including all four corners
    I've sourced a contract for recycled beads taken out of cavity wall extractions. He has 6 large bags I can have
    • CommentAuthordathi
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2024
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DBo9l9YuB0&t=1s this guy on you tube shreds his own which is a bit scary but if you go to the end of his video he shows how he uses a leaf blower and hose to fill voids with polystyrene beads
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