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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    My ceilings are down in my ground floor ready for a rewire and all the new plumbing for radiators and heat pump installation. Also looking to add MVHR

    I'm thinking of insulating the ground floor ceilings at this point for both sound and thermal (any point?)

    Can I use regular 100mm isover ceiling insulation for this? As I have 12 rolls spare? Do I really need specific sound insulation? Or will this have enough benefit anyway? This is for my own home, not a flat or shared house etc.

    in your own home anything is better than nothing and if you have it spare then it's green to use it up. I'm guessing rockwool is denser which is why it is normally used for sound.
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2024
    You can do the calculations for any construction you choose to work out what the sound reduction will be and then decide whether it's acceptable to you or not.

    Rockwool have a calculator - https://www.rockwool.com/uk/resources-and-tools/tools/acoustic-calculator/ - but it seems to be offline at the moment. You could always ask them. There seem to be others such as https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/sound-absorption-coefficient
    I'm not sure what values I'd be aiming for or needing in a residential home between floors, but I think I'll just use the 100mm rolls I have of normal insulation.

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