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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2024
    Just thought I'd note that I had the first failure of a Crompton GU10 LED lamp yesterday. I have about 50 in the house with no failures until now, over nine years since we moved in. The one that failed is in my study, used maybe one-two hours a day every day. So I'm still very pleased with the product.
    • CommentAuthorLF
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2024
    Good but only say 6,500 hours (2x365x9) - are they not badged up higher ?
    Any idea of mode of failure - is it 240V ? Do the transformers inside them go ?

    I remember how hard it was to find decent LED lamps when I swapped my MR11 12V over from 20W halogens at a similar era.
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2024
    Yes, after I posted I calculated (guessed) the hours and it does seem like it's actually a premature failure. They're 240 V lamps, yes. It started flickering at a low intensity rather than dieing completely. But I've no idea of the actual failure mode.
    My understanding of lights is that it is the on/off cycles that does the damage rather than the total hours.
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