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    All my ground floor ceilings are down ready for rewire, replumb and potentially MVHR

    Anything else I can do at this stage to futureproof? Ethernet cables? Anything else you can think of?

    Thanks all
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2024
    "It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future". So the saying goes.
    Your own changing needs , and technological developments, will most likely render future gazing useless. There will always be stuff you wished you had done.
    Have a vision for your lifestyle going forward, and concentrate on good quality materials, and high standard of workmanship.
    Posted By: owlman"It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future". So the saying goes.
    Your own changing needs , and technological developments, will most likely render future gazing useless. There will always be stuff you wished you had done.
    Have a vision for your lifestyle going forward, and concentrate on good quality materials, and high standard of workmanship.

    Having agreed with the above
    Most things today seem to be going wireless,either wifi or bluetooth. FWIW I don't see stuff going back to wired connections and I expect wireless connectivity to improve . Our needs today are a wifi router at the incoming (upstairs) and 2 daisy chained wired wifi routers, one downstairs and one in the adjacent rental house. That covers all we need. The reason we have another wifi router downstairs is that the wifi signal stops at 50 cm thick basalt stone walls.

    If you have a workshop then consider an ethernet cable to there otherwise check the wifi signal around the house and decide if you need another router to get full coverage
    What about a conduit with a drawstring in going from one end to the other and keep a record of where it is?
    Although this could be overkill if you can't think of any possible future need for it.
    When we had the upstairs bathroom floor up in the farmhouse we put a larger water supply pipe from one side to the other, in ready for future unvented system with GSHP. A bit of good advice from the plumber, it will enable a less circuitous and larger bore route from the stop tap in the kitchen below to the current boiler room that will be the future plant room. I insulated it with top quality insulation as well so its good to go when the time comes, which could be a few years off yet.

    While the floor was up in the barn I put in a cable (in conduit) and a water supply all the way to the outside end wall, either for an outside tap, outside socket, car charger, or in case of future extension on that end.
    Also in the next project we put in a conduit with drawstring underground from the next building ready for if fibre optic broadband ever comes here (unlikely, 7km wire distance from the exchange, but you never know). I think this may be a Building Regs requirement for us as well.
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2024 edited
    Posted By: Peter_in_HungaryMost things today seem to be going wireless
    But things still need power ... (and batteries are annoying ...) ...

    Posted By: Dominic CooneyWhat about a conduit with a drawstring in going from one end to the other and keep a record of where it is?
    Excellent suggestion. But where exactly should the conduit run from and to? That's the question. :devil:
    Posted By: djh
    Posted By: Peter_in_HungaryMost things today seem to be going wireless
    But things still need power ... (and batteries are annoying ...) ...

    Power and data are 2 different things. There was a brief flurry a few years back for sending data over the mains circuits but that seems to have gone in favour of wireless. But with regards to power I always put in enough so that there is an easy reach from anywhere in the room.

    I agree with the putting in of spare conduits to future proof. I reckon they are cheap even if you never use them.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2024
    I have put cat 5e cabling to every room into 2 opposite walls. Each room has one or 2 satellite cabling I prefer Freesat as I can get any region in the UK and have multiple ANB. Don't forget wiring for fire alarms. Also have wifi in the house and around the outbuildings in places in the house wifi does not get through the stone walls. Are you going to go for a SMART house, maybe speakers in the ceilings?.
    Will you be having powered blinds or curtains so power output in window reveals.
    For future proofing cable runs consider a dry riser from your utility room or wherever you have you consumer unit and services connecting to 1st floor and loft with access panels at each level.
    Will you have a wired burglar alarm wired cameras even if not planned cabling for future would be something that would be cheap to do.
    Because our build was a major rebuild and extension all my services come in under ground in conduit so future proofing any upgrades in services. Probably you are not going that far?
    Laundry chute to laundry room?
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2024
    Posted By: Peter_in_HungaryPower and data are 2 different things.
    Yes indeed, but everything was talking about provisioning for data so I was just pointing out that you still need to provision power.

    There was a brief flurry a few years back for sending data over the mains circuits
    Indeed that's how data gets to my garage. Wireless is too flaky. Devolo powerline works fine.

    Posted By: revorWill you have a wired burglar alarm wired cameras even if not planned cabling for future would be something that would be cheap to do.
    Yes, agreed. I prefer wired cameras for security things. Fortunately POE means you don't need to run power separately to every camera position.
    3core+earth circuit to interlink all the smoke and heat detectors (requirement in Scotland, can also be done by radio but more expensive)

    Piping for fire sprinkler system (doing this already in Wales?)

    Run neutral core in the droppers to all light switch positions (not just usual live + switched-live) - future smart switches often need a neutral

    Recommendation for TP-link mesh WiFi system - we have a node where the fibre comes into the house and two more in the apex of the roof, beams 1Gb internet down into every room and round the garden despite 2ft stone internal walls. No need for data wiring.
    Edit to add:
    Conduit from CU to each side wall of house for future multiple EV chargers/V2L (they're currently using special cables with multi cores for power+ethernet, but that will probably change so no point pre wiring); and for future external batteries; and future east/west facing vertical solar; or maybe just external sockets and lights.

    Provide way more internal lighting points than is necessary, is easy to blank them off, but harder to add one when you later discover a shadow somewhere inconvenient.
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2024
    Posted By: WillInAberdeen3core+earth circuit to interlink all the smoke and heat detectors (requirement in Scotland, can also be done by radio but more expensive)
    Yes, wiring the smoke & heat detectors is good. We have four wired, plus each has a ten-year lithium battery (which actually lasted about five years :cry: )

    Piping for fire sprinkler system
    That's a good idea which I wish I'd done. The modern misting systems are pretty good. A water supply is the main issue.

    Run neutral core in the droppers to all light switch positions (not just usual live + switched-live) - future smart switches often need a neutral
    We have them because of the way our circuits are wired. But if I was looking for smarts in lights, I'd be looking to put the smarts with the lights themselves rather than with a switch. And the kinetic no-wiring, no batteries switches work very well for simple on-off control.

    Recommendation for TP-link mesh WiFi system
    Ah, that's interesting. It's been a while since I looked. But I don't think I have any devices that do 6 GHz; indeed a lot still only do 2.4 GHz

    Provide way more internal lighting points than is necessary, is easy to blank them off
    Haven't found the need myself, but I do have some power cables and some switch cables run from the CU to various points for potential future heating requirements. I don't mind having blanking places at strange places in our house but some might. As well as fixed lights we use a number that are plugged in to regular sockets.
    • CommentAuthorArtiglio
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2024
    I ran ethernet cables for WAP’s on ceilings , into loft spaces and to where audio visual stuff is. All went back to where the fibre comes in, where the router feeds an ethernet switch, as yet haven’t needed a wired connection to any appliances, all works fine over wifi, it’s all power over ethernet.
    The cable is cheap as chips, the real cost being the time to route it all. Got all my stuff from BroadBandBuyer the tech support was good ( i’m no tech fiend) , i got 3 years support for the unifi waps free, now pay a token amount for ongoing service, all looks after itself.
    Main point of Mesh WiFi for us is it gives reliable 5GHz in rooms that previously had patchy 2.4GHz, or none, because of stone walls. We would have had to run network cables through the house to those rooms, but the wireless mesh avoids doing that.

    TBF for most iot devices it doesn't matter whether it's 2.4 or 5Ghz, but laptops and consoles with big software updates do work much better on fast 5GHz. Our oldest laptop and R-Pi have 5GHz dongles and an older TV has a streaming stick to upgrade their connections.

    6GHz WiFi is apparently going to be faster than ethernet, just need fibre broadband fast enough to utilise it!
    Posted By: WillInAberdeenthey're currently using special cables with multi cores for power+ethernet, but that will probably change so no point pre wiring

    Without wishing to hijack the thread, do you have any more insight into this? We're about to put in EV cable at great expense and it would be good to know if a big change is around the corner.

    Or do you just mean the requirement might change from Cat5 to Cat6?
    • CommentAuthorCliff Pope
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2024
    You could prepare for a possible collapse of the worldwide economy, through climate change, industrial or political unrest, and a return to a more basic lifestyle.
    Diversify energy sources - gas, electricity, wood, parafin for lamps, should be a basic starting point.
    If the electricity went off, as happens frequently in a lot of the world, it would be silly to have to sit in the dark unable to boil a kettle.
    D-T, sorry my comment was a bit flippant, didn't mean to cause concern.

    Just thinking that the rate of change in the supply arrangements has been quite fast, so maybe we could expect them to keep on changing. Eg from power only, to power+2xdata, to power+Cat5.... who knows in 10 years time when there is V2G, multiple cars charging in each home, maybe the cars have 5G and download big updates for their AI every night, who knows!

    For the OP with no particular plans in place, maybe a few strategic ducts would be useful. In your case if you have a design in mind to install fairly soon, then go with the best present day tech as you have planned.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2024
    Whatever you do or don't install, drill straight runs of 25mm holes near the ends and centre of the joists so you've a future cable/ pipe route for anything you've forgotten. It's fairly straightforward to drag cables through pre drilled holes using electricians fishing rods
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