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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorMagpie
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2024
    Has anyone had experience of laying loose lay vinyl floor planks?

    Yes - I know they are not the best environmentally, but I have chemical sensitivities and although I prefer natural products, I have to be able to carry out the work myself, and cannot take on cutting wood planks. Plus 3 rooms need to be done within a day or 2 of moving house.

    I want to put a vapour barrier or foil over old vinyl tiles (possibility of asbestos) - and then insulation under the LVT

    The issue seems to be that the insulation has to be dust free (like toxic foam) or sealed with a floor sealer (which I can’t use).

    I wanted to put a non slip underlay, but apparently it is not reccommended under loose lay.
    Posted By: MagpieI know they are not the best environmentally, but I have chemical sensitivities

    Without wanting to press you for more details on your sensitivities, vinyl (a.k.a. Polyvinyl Chloride) is one of the more toxic, off-gassing elements that you could possibly consider for your living environment. That's ignoring the environmental impact in manufacture and disposal.

    I'm guessing rubber is out for the same reasons, but if you are DIY-ing this, have you thought about modular Marmoleum tiles instead?

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