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    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2024
    I have been using weather information that a neighbour posted online, but that's disappeared now. I also use weather information from Wattisham airbase but it's six miles away. I can't see any data much closer on https://wow.metoffice.gov.uk/ so I've been thinking of buying a weather station. Does anybody own such a beast or have any positive or negative recommendations?

    I'm not interested in anything fancy but I would like rainfall to supplement the temperature and humidity I already have.
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2024
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2024
    https://shinyweatherdata.com ?

    Meteostat I came across online, seems straightforward. Shiny is suggested by WUFI but looks complicated!
    • CommentAuthorBeau
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2024
    I've tried a few cheaper models but ended up with a Davis Vantage Pro after the others failed. If you dont get your own it might be worth looking on Wundermap as there a lot of PWS on there
    I have had a Davis Vantage Vue for the last three years. Useful App and ability to store data.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2024
    I am interested in this posting to see how it pans out. I am also on lookout for a weather station. When I installed my ground mounted PV system I built a small shed to house switch gear which would be ideal location. Have spare cat 5e from there to the house. There seems to be a lot of makes available but excursions into temperature and humidity stations have been disappointing and has left me wary, due to them failing.
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2024
    Posted By: fostertomMeteostat I came across online, seems straightforward. Shiny is suggested by WUFI but looks complicated!
    Thanks for the thought, Tom, but I'm looking for hardware for myself! Meteosat just returns Wattisham data, and I've no idea what shinydata does :(

    Davis is one obvious possibility but pretty expensive. Other names I've seen mention of are Ecowitt and Netatmo, who both do weather stations without moving parts, which sounds good. But I know nothing about them..
    Oddly enough I was looking into this yesterday for a relative who'd asked for an Xmas gift. There's some good guidance on the different types and a reasonable selection on https://www.weathershop.co.uk/weather-stations (no affiliation) including user reviews, which might make the choice a bit easier.

    They also filter by Wunderground-compatible models if that is important.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2024
    Posted By: Doubting_ThomasOddly enough I was looking into this yesterday for a relative who'd asked for an Xmas gift. There's some good guidance on the different types and a reasonable selection onhttps://www.weathershop.co.uk/weather-stations" rel="nofollow" >https://www.weathershop.co.uk/weather-stations(no affiliation) including user reviews, which might make the choice a bit easier.

    They also filter by Wunderground-compatible models if that is important.

    Thanks for the weathershop link looks it covers all the info I may need.
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2024
    Hmm, good news followed by bad news :devil:

    I thought I had it solved, since I discovered that it appears my neighbour has not closed his weather station, but just closed his website and he still posts data to wunderground. :bigsmile:

    Then I discovered that wunderground stopped its free API a few years ago :cry: ( the firm was bought by IBM :devil: )
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2024 edited
    Posted By: djhI'm looking for hardware for myself! Meteosat just returns Wattisham data
    If I'm right, I just saw, I think, that WUFI have a standalone app for making local corrrections to weather files, based on set criteria (like more trees, on the edge of a lake etc)
    I had a look at wunderground.It seems to have useful at a glance graphs but I couldn't find any way to change to metric. Is there a way to get away from imperial measurements?
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2024
    Posted By: Peter_in_HungaryI had a look at wunderground.It seems to have useful at a glance graphs but I couldn't find any way to change to metric. Is there a way to get away from imperial measurements?
    Go to the map, click on Settings (white on dark grey text) and click on °C.
    Posted By: djhThen I discovered that wunderground stopped its free API a few years agohttp:///newforum/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title=":cry:" >( the firm was bought by IBMhttp:///newforum/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/devil.gif" alt=":devil:" title=":devil:" >)

    In the style of many closed-source websites, you can still get Wunderground access if you join them with your own weather station, but I guess that probably defeats the point..!

    Alternatively, maybe try Visual Crossing:


    "Visual Crossing offers a generous 1000 result/day free tier via its Pay-as-you-go plan. For heavy users, users can to extend it to additional daily queries for just $0.0001 per result."
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