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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorOsprey
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2024
    I will be needing to have my house partly rendered next year, and am concerned about staining and algae growth. I have seen many buildings locally (usually blocks of flats or hotels) on which the render looks absolutely awful, due to the above. We live close-ish (about half a mile) to the sea, but sheltered from direct winds or spray by many other houses.

    What is the best render make to avoid this staining?

    I will be having a new extension smooth rendered, as well as part of the old (pebble-dashed) house: PD removal TBD. At some time in the future, I plan to have EWI applied to the rest of the house, and so ideally use the same render.


    Any thoughts or suggestions?
    • CommentAuthortychwarel
    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2024
    They all get algal growth. ultimately the only thing that stops it is paint and that is only because there are algicides in the paint.
    • CommentTimeDec 16th 2024
    Posted By: tychwarelThey all get algal growth. ultimately the only thing that stops it is paint and that is only because there are algicides in the paint.
    I'm not sure I believe that. My exterior walls are painted with Beeckosil and show no signs of algal or other growth after ten years. The data sheet specifically says "Free from solvents, biocides and preservatives". I believe algicides are one type of biocide. FWIW my mill-finish aluminium roof (i.e. shiny) has a matt grey-brown appearance on the north-facing part the sun never shines on. I've never investigated what that is.
    • CommentAuthorGreenPaddy
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2024
    I have used Jub Unixil to good success with several clients, and they do a grade above called Nano. Maybe have a google?

    The first project was over 10 years ago, and I drive past the gable often, which is still looks as good as when it was applied. Actually, about 2 months after we applied it, an idiot roofer did some shoddy work to the chimney at the top of the gable, resulting in soot/tar running down over the new render. I told the distraught client to leave it over the winter, as there was nothing I could do till the better weather. He called me a month later to tell me no to worry, it had all washed off with the rain. Anyone who has experience tar on cement renders or plasters will know that it's almost impossible to get rid of the staining, which just keeps seeping though. That convinced me of the performance of Jub Unixil.

    I've used KRend silicone render recently, because that's what the EWI company would supply. Seems ok, but no longterm experience to report back on yet.
    For my 2d's worth, in my experience it much depends upon the orientation of the wall. If it never gets sunshine then algae growth will occur.
    • CommentAuthorOsprey
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2024
    Thanks for replies.

    Yes all render gets staining, but some seem to suffer much more than others (of course it could be location, lack of cleaning or other factors, but not obviously).

    Some of the buildings I have seen are appalling, due to bio growth I believe.

    Current default plan is for K Rend, but over time I have seen people recommend 'better' alternatives, but without consistency. So I am looking for latest thoughts/experience.

    (House has pretty good soffits - 500+mm - one one wall is north facing and see no sun.)
    • CommentAuthorCliff Pope
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2024
    There is a peculiar and unattractive brown/pinkish colouration that seems to affect only buildings of modern construction that are painted white. I don't know why it happens, but it is paricularly unflattering on rather dull and featureless buildings.
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