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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2025
    Can a supplier charge for a new electricity meter?

    Supplier is offering a free smart meter and saying that if the householder/landlord says no and later the meter breaks then they would need to pay for a new meter

    Sounds awfully like blackmail to me.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2025
    Sounds like pressure sales BS to me. I'd be changing supplier if they've an attitude like that. We got a smart meter the 3rd time it was offered but never got told we'd have to pay if the old one failed.

    The meter doesn't belong to the householder so hard to see how the householder could be charged if someone else's kit fails??
    • CommentAuthorArtiglio
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2025
    My understanding is that a landlord can’t refuse a tenants choice if they want a smart meter. But saying you need to pay for an eventual replacement if the existing meter fails is just an attempt to strong arm the customer. I have 2 blocks of flats the suppliers keep asking me to have a smart meter, no problem i say, but they’ll only give a 4 hour window for fitting one, or offer compensation if they don’t turn up. Seems they’re incapable of calling an hour before arrival. So it hasn’t been done but they keep sending letters.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2025 edited
    As philedge says; In a single household the smart meter and its connection to the incoming supply is the property and responsibility of the supplier. The incoming supply and upstream is the property and responsibility of the DNO.
    The connection to that meter and everything downstream is the responsibility of the customer/householder.

    NB I would be common sense to assume that because the meter is located in the customers property they have a duty to keep it secure.
    If its multiple flats/apartments then, in some, the distribution responsibility etc., I think lies with the BNO ( building network operator) AFAIK, I'm not up to date with the latest rules, so their rules of responsibility for individual flats apartments may vary. Someone else may know more.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2025
    Thx all
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2025
    Is it a legal requirement to change an existing digital but oldish electric meter for a new one?

    Can they insist on fitting a smart meter ?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2025
    I originally had an old meter. the type with the wheel turning. When the supplier and FIT provider realised that PV could cause them to run backwards it was changed. However they did not put in a brand new meter, just a refurbished standard digital meter; ( not smart one as I refused at the time ).
    I now have a smart meter. AFAIK the rules haven't changed and a smart meter is still optional, you can refuse. If they are playing hard they'll most likely say they don't have any new digital meters and you'll have to stick with the old one you have.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2025
    I'd guess that as the meter is theirs, they can fit what they want, but they'd need your consent for access. If your meter is working it seems reasonable to refuse access if you don't want it changing. If the old meter broke you'd need to give access and I think you'd almost certainly get a smart meter.

    I can't see there's a legal requirement to give access to a working meter other than for a safety check and certainly not for the half day arrival window they want you to accommodate.
    • CommentAuthorArtiglio
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2025
    I’ve had endless letters from eon telling me the meter that serves the landlord supply on one of my blocks was at the end of its life and they had a legal duty to replace it, I’ve had other letters saying that it was a legal requirement to update my meter. When i called them and asked for the relevant legislation in writing , they said it wasn’t available.
    I had been told that smart meters are on occasion known to self disconnect and then you have to contact the supplier to have it put right. As the meter serves the fire alarm system and emergency lights , that comcerned me. But it seems that might be a vit of an urban myth.
    As above I’ve told them i’ll have a smart meter to keep them happy, but am not going to make myself available for half a day for a 4 hour window , 2 hours i’ll do ( i’ll hoover the stirs in the common parts till they arrive.)
    But that apparently is beyond them.
    Getting a meter other than a smart one fitted as a replacement or new supply is apparently not an option. They won’t even guarantee that you get a smets2 meter.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2025
    I have 2 supplies one SP to the house and one 3P to my farm buildings. The house supply had a conventional spinning disc meter and over the years refused to have a smart meter installed and the supplier SPower seemed happy with that. I then switched to octopus and they were happy with my refusal, as at the time SMETS1 were being fitted and did we not want one. When we fitted solar panels and battery I had to have a smart meter by which time SMETS 2 were being fitted, so it happened about 3 years ago and have had no real issues other than a couple of times have not had credit for export but was righted very quickly. The inverter has a its own monitoring meter so I have a ready check on the smart meter and they both agree.
    Not long after moving in, about 15yrs ago, the three disc meters on the 3 P supply (one for each phase) were changed under statutory regs to 3 standard digital meter which I am happy with and don't mind reading the meters each month. I keep get requests to change them and refuse as I do not see an advantage to m,e as reading them means I can check what part of the buildings are using power. I don't get any hassle about request to change about once a year and I respectfully refuse.
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