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    • CommentAuthorHoovie
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008 edited
    System Summary
    System is an Evacuated Tube system, facing South mile from the coast of East Devon. Solar Contoller is a Resol and Storage is a 170L Thermal Store, not usually heated by any other means (There is an Immersion fitted as a backup in case of Boiler Failure and a feed from a Rayburn Gas-Fueled Range, currently not connected and used infrequently even when it will be)
    Solar Heated Water is fed to a Fully Modulated Combi Boiler that raises the water temp to 60 Cel and then sends to taps (via a TMV that reduces temp to 53Deg for safety)


    System logs 4 temperatures every 5 minutes - Collector on Roof, Return after pump, Top of Storage Tank, Bottom of Storage Tank

    I will post Graphs of the data so anyone interested can judge the effectiveness of Solar Systems over time once I work out how to post images!
    • CommentAuthorDaveK
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008
    Hi Hoovie,

    I'm currently installing a 210L thermal store with a new system gas boiler to supply DHW and UFH. Solar will be added next year when funds and time permit. Would be very interested in the data you collect. Any chance of full data in excel or whatever database you are using?

    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008
    I'll second DaveK's request for actual numbers rather than just graphs.

    I've been fiddling around, on and off, over the last few months with trying to get estimates of solar input for points around the country working from satellite weather pictures. Any "ground truth" data is helpful. A slightly more accurate position would also help (e.g., north or south coast (or does "East Devon" imply south coast?)), nearest town or village or whatever.
    • CommentAuthorDantenz
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008
    Posted By: HoovieSolar Heated Water is fed to a Fully Modulated Combi Boiler that raises the water temp to 60 Cel and then sends to taps (via a TMV that reduces temp to 53Deg for safety)

    Then you are wasting energy if the boiler is raising the water temperature to 60'C for it then to be blended down to 53'C
    • CommentAuthorwookey
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    For those of you interested in logging info I've just finished getting full live logging of panels, solar->store heat exchanger (plate) and store temp measured at 5 levels:

    I note the request for access to the actual numbers. Good point. It's all in an rrd (round robin database), which I should add some links to, but that's not available today.

    I think I now have enough data to properly analyse the performance of a retro-fit PHE solar system, although the flowmeter isn't logged yet.

    Just for info this is for a 114l DHW cyclinder, 40 x47mm vacuum tubes, 12V pump and plate heat exchanger thermosiphon tank input.
    • CommentAuthorbrushedmoss
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2008 edited
    I have a resol system and post my graphs up here http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2008-10/1325697/temp.jpg every few hours with cron etc.
    • CommentAuthorDIY bob
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2008
    I also use a resol system my graphs can be found http://homepage.ntlworld.com/chihiro/solar/solar.html I upload when I remember. There is access to a raw data file there and a basic parser I used to make sence of the data.
    • CommentAuthorjon
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2008 edited

    That's some great data. Do you mind if I capture it from your site and use it for a technical paper?

    You're obviously somewhere completely different to me as the days you're sunny I'm not.

    If you don't mind me asking, how long are your evacs, what angle are they at to vertical, and to South, what is the spacing between and what width are the semi-parabolic back wings to the evacs?
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