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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    Thought you might be interested in my 5 min interval graphs of my home electricity usage , the image is upload every few hours from home to here

    • CommentAuthorStuartB
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2008
    What is happening at 1 and 2 in the morning? Washing machine?
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2008
    What kit are you using to collect the data? Looking to do something similar.
    • CommentAuthordave45
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2008
    emm - the scale is wrong... it should be watts not watt-hours.

    I monitor my house's consumption as part of this project http://www.demandforwind.co.uk/livedata.php
    They supplied a device very much in function like the EFERGY transmitter (www.efergy.co.uk) which you clip on to your mains meter leads, and then a bunch of "electronics-kit" style receivers and software which you configure on your internet-connected PC, which transmits the signal real-time to their servers. (The software is XPL related).

    My graphs look very different from this sample ! Fascinating what you can tell from just looking at the traces... kids leaving things on, fridges kicking in in the middle of the night, and the frustration of tracking down "phantom loads".
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2008
    Thanks. Both interesting.
    • CommentAuthordave45
    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2008
    Here's a sample of one of mine
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