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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    Shockingly low that is.

    For the past 30 days (average temperature -13.5C) I consumed a massive 11m3 of gas, i.e. 119kWh. We use gas for hot water and cooking (family of 2 - and I like long ~15 minute) showers. Shows what a nice job the desuperheater on the GSHP does in preheating the hot water :)

    Paul in Montreal

    For the year of 2008, we used 2350kWh of gas; for the year of 2007 2214kWh - the extra in 2008 is because my Mum came to stay for 3 weeks :shocked:
    • CommentAuthorskywalker
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2009
    While I'm trying to get my head around the cubic feet UK meter reading to kWh/m3 conversion what was your electrickery bill for the same period Paul. Relevant as your GSHP/MHRV etc which do stuff my gas does count too!


    PS will try to work out the calorific contribution form my woodburner too (but not tonight!)

    • CommentAuthorskywalker
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2009
    58 UK units = 164m3 = 1815kWh

    Is that about right?

    1930's house, leaky wood floors, sh*te UPC front door monstrosity with side panels, Partner works from home etc, etc.

    Bed time for me now.

    For the period 19th December until 17th Jan, we had 881.3 heating degree days and consumed around 3200kWh - base load for 30 days is around 350kWh, so that's about 2850kWh on heating. 881.3 heating degree days represents an average temperature of -11.4C over that entire 30 day period (with our indoor temperature maintained at 21.6C - so a differential of about 33C from inside to outside). This is the equivalent of 3.23 kWh per heating degree day. So, for a UK context, if you have 21.6 inside and an average of 7C outside for 30 days, you'd consume 1065kWh for heating or about 98 cubic metres of gas (if you're using gas) which is 3460 cubic feet. Our 11 cubic metres of gas is 388 cubic feet.

    Just to note this is for the 111 year old house that doesn't have MHRV.

    Paul in Montreal.
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