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    • CommentAuthorMatt
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2009
    I have seen a small wind turbine installation at Ardeonaig, Loch Tay. I thought people would be interested in some data from them.

    The turbines were installed in Feb 05 (fairly sure on that....cannot get exact date!), 2no Proven 6kw, about 200m ASL on north slope of a hill on the south shore of Loch Tay. Cost £45,708, including and educational package for those who stay at Ardeonaig Centre and the local villages. Projected savings were IRO £2000 per year.

    Since then the output reads 42,378kwh (on centre 'display' board) in the 4years.

    Assuming (current, not 2005) cost of 11p per kwh or electricity we have £4661 of savings, or £1165 per year.

    The project has a computer 'on' 24/7 to record data and send back to various places / run the display board:

    60w load (estimated for computer) X 24 hours a day x 365 days per year X 4 years = 21,024kwH, or £2,312

    I don't know the maintenance costs of the turbines.

    Is my maths right? :confused:
    • CommentAuthorStuartB
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2009
    So are you saying that one 6kw turbine only generates enough power to run one computer 24/7?
    • CommentAuthorstephendv
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2009
    Posted By: Matt
    60w load (estimated for computer) X 24 hours a day x 365 days per year X 4 years = 21,024kwH, or £2,312

    = 2102.4 kWh decimal point in the wrong place.
    • CommentAuthorMatt
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2009
    cheers stephendv - I knew there was something wrong...

    Better than I was thinking...
    • CommentAuthorMatt
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    As of a few weeks time, I am in charge of these babies....

    I was up this weekend, and in a steady 25mph+ wind, the turbines were barely pushing out 1.5kw average between both of them...

    Is there anything that can be done to 'uprate' Proven turbines and improve the output? :neutral:

    I also need to balance the fact that they are located in a plot of land that is funded as an ecological research area, and as such new tree growth is being encouraged. The owners assumed that the trees around the base of the mast would have no effect on the wind - as long as the turbines were above, they were in the 'clear' wind. The masts are 10-15m, the highest tree is now up at around 5-7m...So, ecological benefit or more electricity? :confused:
    (old pic, not mine)

    The inverters are located about 150m from the turbine site as well - may this have an effect on the output?

    Finally, what do you do about the installers claiming 24,000kwh output annually when in fact they are pushing out less than half that? grrrrrr.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    Have you been logging wind speeds? How do those stack up against the assumptions used in the manufacturers claims?
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    There should be no obstructions around the turbines within 10x their height - so 150 m clear area. Those trees will be causing turbulence which will kill the performance of the turbines.

    The distance between turbine and inverters should not be a problem as long as the correct size cable to avoid excessive volt drop has been used.

    Presume these have SMA WindyBoy inverters which are not the best to couple with the Proven in low wind situations as they require > 250V output from the turbine before they will draw any load.
    • CommentAuthorMatt
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    I agree with the trees thing - it just seems so silly...but as I said its now a (funded) area of regeneration and ecology study.... (which when they have 10's of acres to use, and chose there....)

    Distance / cable - not sure, will find out when I move up in a couple of weeks.

    Apparently I can also get the 5 years of data in a graph form so will post it up.
    • CommentAuthorchuckey
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    8760, 8760, 8760 Hours in a year, a good figure to commit to memory for green types.
    Frank (or 8000 + 10%):-)
    • CommentAuthorModerator
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009 edited
    Posted By: MattAs of a few weeks time, I am in charge of these babies....

    Is there anything that can be done to 'uprate' Proven turbines and improve the output?http:///forum114/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/neutral.gif" alt=":neutral:" title=":neutral:" >

    Have they got the new style blades Matt?

    Those mountains look a bit high!

    My 2.5 with the new style blades is keeping us quite content now. It averaged 'a minimum'* of about 3.5kWh per day from October to February.

    *Difficult to measure exactly as i am unable to find a cumulative meter for 24vot DC so have to measure it by deduction.
    • CommentAuthorMatt
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009 edited
    I *think* old style blades - they are the originals fitted 5 years ago nearly.

    How much do new blades cost - i.e. is it worth it, especially with the big old tree's around.

    Them hills is big - and I am going to have to cycle up one each day...This is the view from the hill behind the turbines - clear wind apart from the last 50m around them....grrr.
    Posted By: chuckey8760, 8760, 8760 Hours in a year, a good figure to commit to memory for green types.
    Frank (or 8000 + 10%):-)

    or 10 9 876 5 4 3 2 1 :bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorModerator
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2009
    Wow what a view. the wind must thunder along that valley.

    I was informed that the new blades for the 2.5 were about £400.00 but give Proven a ring for a quote. I think they must be wooden blades on your machines then if they are 6kW models.

    Matt. What voltage are they generating at?

    Ted. Are they wood blades on yours or the new ones?
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2009
    Mine are wooden blades.
    • CommentAuthorMatt
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2009 edited
    Posted By: ModeratorWow what a view. the wind must thunder along that valley.

    Yes, yes it does. Shame the turbines are in the trees to the left....see attached picture.

    Posted By: ModeratorMatt. What voltage are they generating at?

    Will report back - I assumed mains....but assumption is a dangerous thing...
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