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    I have money in place to start up a sips company in the uk, also we have the system details, factory and the means to manufacturer the sips superstructure. But i need some help getting to the next stage. Does a start up company need to get BBA Certification to be able to pruduce and errect a sips house, or can we get an engineer on board (which is hard to find who has experience with sips) that can work out the calcs and cert each kit that gets manufactured in our factory. Basically i would like to know what our next step should be and help would be greatly appreciated.
    • CommentAuthorjon
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2009
    "Does a start up company need to get BBA Certification to be able to pruduce and errect a sips house, or can we get an engineer on board (which is hard to find who has experience with sips) that can work out the calcs and cert each kit that gets manufactured in our factory."

    You might want to find an engineering firm that's already gone through the process: There are a few with a lot of experience in this.
    • CommentAuthorTimber
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2009
    NHBC will likely require some kind of third party certification on the building system.

    If you can steer clear of NHBC warrenty you will probably be ok, but if you do come up against them, the chances are they will turn round and say NO, go away and get a certificate.

    I can put you in touch with a couple who have put up numerous SIPS structures in the UK, including one the the first ever; they live in Norfolk and he is a self employed builder....of course if you are going to be competition.........on the other hand maybe you can use him.........Whisper me if you want his contact details.
    thanks for your help guys if anyone could offer any more guidance, whisper me, thanks again, we are just errecting our new factory at the moment.
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