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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    Our off grid barn to AECB silver standard has now been in use for the first six months.(March to September)

    Has been occupied constantly and summary of energy use is as follows:
    Main heating system - Woodburner and some passive solar
    Water Heating - Direct LPG water heater
    Cooker & Fridge - LPG
    LPG consumption has been an average of 35 Kg per month. (cooking, fridge and hot water)
    Wood log consumption has been 1.5 tonnes to date
    The 390 W PV array runs all the lighting , small power and also the pump from the spring to the holding tank.
    This has been beefed up by a further 260W for the coming winter - we'll see how it goes.
    I have no data on the PV performance only that to date and no call for the backup generator, apart from guests leaving things on by mistake a couple of times, there have been no issues - we will see how things are in the winter.

    link to website below www.beudybanc.co.uk
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