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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2009
    I advised one client to insulate the cavities on their 1970's house, replace boiler with condensing and to fit solar panels

    The cavities weren't insulated the first year that the lived there but now are

    Gas bill post condensing boiler = half of gas bill now with cavities insulated and solar ET system. this info is on their gas bill!

    Gas bill with the old boiler would have been even higher so for the same house savings could even be as high as 75% but no info from previous owner.
    I'd say 75% would be overstating the case - but I can certainly confirm that a new boiler, solar panel plus CWI decreased my bill by about 50% also. It also depends on lifestyle, house occupancy and how warm they like it.

    Solid walled house: No wall insualtion, no floor insulation. Loft very well insulated.

    Boiler change alone reduced my gas bill by around 50%
    • CommentAuthorSaint
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2009
    Externally clad the walls of a park home with super thin insulation cored panels (14mm o/all), fibre in the roof space. Nothing else. 2 days work. Slightly better than 50% improvement tested dynamically before and after. This park home, like many others, uses LPG so savings in running costs were substantial
    • CommentAuthorbrig001
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2009
    Got 40% less by basic insulation and draught proofing (cavity wall, loft and first floor voids) on our 1990s house without changing the boiler. Telling the neighbours that they can do the same and getting good feedback from the ones that will listen. Need to get the rest of them to listen, but it isn't easy - everyone thinks I'm selling something, which I'm not.

    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2009
    Posted By: Mike GeorgeSolid walled house: No wall insualtion, no floor insulation. Loft very well insulated.

    Boiler change alone reduced my gas bill by around 50%

    Implies your old boiler was only about 45% efficient!
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2009
    an old boiler could be that inefficient -- lots of older boilers in many homes could be too

    this case was about a new boiler both before and after and he saved 50% of his bill by insulating the cavities and installing solar hot water

    what percentage of housing still has uninsulated cavities?
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