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    Just got my latest year-on-year energy consumption figures - they're the lowest since I started renovating my old house.

    Total electricity consumption: 14,990kWh
    Total gas consumption: 210m3 = 2322kWh
    Total energy used: 17312kWh

    Total energy per heated floor space per annum (excluding basement): 96.4kWh/m2/year
    Total energy per heated floor space inc basement: 65.9kWh/m2/year

    Not bad for a 112 year old house with not much insulation ... I guess the GSHP really helps keep the consumption low.

    Paul in Montreal
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2010

    Am I right in thinking that most of your electrical power is from Hydro and nuclear with a bit of gas for balancing where you are?
    Posted By: SteamyTeaAm I right in thinking that most of your electrical power is from Hydro and nuclear with a bit of gas for balancing where you are?

    No gas at all, about 96% hydro with some nuclear (1 station) and some diesel and wind generators in some remote areas. To all intents and purposes, we're as close to 100% hydro as you can get. For balancing, there's plenty of run-of-the-river hydro schemes that provide close to instantaneous balancing as far as I understand.

    Paul in Montreal.
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2010
    Thanks Paul.
    • CommentAuthordelboy
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2010
    Paul why would you exclude the basement? It is heated, right?
    What is the gas consumed - cooking and/or water heating.


    I'm sure its already quoted somewhere but what is the sq m areas of living space

    cheers & thanks

    Mike up North
    Ah its in the figures
    Posted By: Mike (Up North)What is the gas consumed - cooking and/or water heating.

    Cooking and hot water - though the hot water is pre-heated by the GSHP.

    Posted By: Mike (Up North)I'm sure its already quoted somewhere but what is the sq m areas of living space

    Main living space is 179.5m2, basement is 87.5m2 (1950 and 950 square feet respectively - the basement is less due to the walls being much thicker than the main floors).

    Posted By: delboyPaul why would you exclude the basement? It is heated, right?

    It is heated, but I wouldn't classify it as living space as the ceiling is only 6' high. It's around 950 square feet.

    Paul in Montreal.
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