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    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    There is a full set of reports here including a template planning condition to control EAM...


    Only last Friday at a public inquiry a noise expert told everyone it wasn't possible to measure EAM, nor set a limit or draft an acceptable planning condition. What a difference three days makes.
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013
    Almost all the information in the latest RenewablesUK report, published just two days ago, could have been published in April 2012 - only one section is dated after that. The fact that it wasn't is nothing short of a scandal. It calls in to question all acoustic 'expert' evidence regarding EAM, either in written ES's or at hearings, since then.

    Colin, do you have a copy of the recent email from Mike Stigwood on EAM?

    And can you name that expert'? Was it Andy McKenzie, Matthew Cand or Andrew Bullmore by any chance?
    • CommentAuthorwindy lamb
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2013
    Seems that some in the wind industry have acted a bit like those in the tobacco industry in the 1970-80s. They are very well aware of a problem but are quite prepared to deny it and discredit others who disagree. Absolute scandal as Ted rightly says.
    Even at a Planning Meeting on Tues 17th the Planning Officers were saying that an AM condition was probably unenforceable (12 x 145m turbines) they did have the sense to cover themselves by , I think, saying that if a condition could be drafted it would be. Well now they have one the industry accepts! Interesting to see if it appears in the consent documents.
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