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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    Decision time on our PV components and I have had no time to research! We have a choice of inverters between Sunny Boy and PowerOne. Does anyone have any opinions on advantages of one over the other, I assume they are both good makes? Our installer indicated that the PowerOne had a little more flexibility as the strings could be of uneven sizes but that's the only difference I am aware of. Also looking for remote display and PC download options, the PowerOne remote display looks pretty cool.

    We also have 4 panels that need to be mounted on a wall for a while until our lean to conservatory is built so looking for a cheap frame system that will allow system to be passed with minimum cost. I was originally thinking we could knock something up in timber but I read that the solution should have 25 year lifespan, is that correct?

    Any advice appreciated.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2011
    Big screws into mortar beds with plugs and diy clips (couple of penny washers and a copper tube spacer etc?)
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2011
    I have 4x Sunny Boys with 1x SunnyBeam and I am happy with the setup.


    We got dropped from my 1st installer, not enough panels and too many installations! Good news, 2nd choice can do it but they don't currently have the Sanyo panels we were looking for, its a choice of Sharp NUE245 or ZNShine ZX250 which is a Chinese panel. Anyone any views, I have read bad things about the Sharp build quality etc but maybe that was previous older panels and then also didn't want Chinese due to concerns over bad environmental standards in production?
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