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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthoredwinvanek
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2007 edited
    I will be installing 4m2 of solar panels linked to a triple coild 259 solar hot water tank. The bottom coil will be connected to solar, the middle one to the woodstove with backboiler and the top coil to a new oil condensing boiler. The connection of the solar panels and oil boiler with cylinder stat is fairly straight forward. I am not sure yet how to connect the wood boiler. There used to be an open vented woodfired system in the past so I can use the old tank that is now no longer connected to anything by reconnecting it to the mains and the piework just outside the boiler. The bottom of the cylinder will only be 20 cm over the top of the boiler and about three meters away, I will therefore need to use a pumped system to get the hot water to the cylinder from the 800 or 10000 btu boiler. If I use a thermostat to allow heated water to be re-directed to a towel radiator if the cylinder has reached the desired temperature do I also need to include an additional heat sink radiator in the loft to comply with building regulations. How likely is it that this tower radiator will ever get hot enough?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2007
    Towel radiator will get jolly hot! You may not be able to use a pump and gravity circulation may well do the job for you.

    This part of the system must be open vented.
    • CommentAuthorJohn11668
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2007
    AND the system MUST be capable of gravity circulation.
    Many modern Multicoiled cylinders need to be pumped and can otherwise airlock!
    Why not use a direct connection to a thermal store .
    The recommended minimum "gradient" for gravity is still one in three!
    • CommentAuthoredwinvanek
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2007
    The triple coil tank has been ordered as part of the solar installation and part of the sytem will probably need to be a pumped open vented system, any gravity fed part of the system will be purely to get rid of any access heat if the pump isn't working due to power failure or malfunction in combination. The pipe will have to go near horizontal from the backboiler for 3 meters to a wall where on the other side it will be able to go up to the top of the storage tank, which is about 2 meters height difference. I do not have space for a thermal tore in this part of the house as our house if on an extremely unhelfpul layout.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2007
    a thermosyphon will likely work for you.
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