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    I'm planning to install Celotex PL4000 (65mm insulation + 12.5mm plasterboard) this weekend onto a wall which is already plastered and painted (with matt emulsion). My plan is to use dry-wall adhesive as well as "frame fixings" to secure the Celotex to the wall.

    I've heard mixed reviews of frame fixings. Some people don't get on well with them. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations?

    The two I have my eye on are:

    Rawlplug Frame Fixings 10 x 140mm Pack of 50 for £18.29


    Fischer Nylon Frame Fixings 10 x 160mm Pack of 50 for £29.21

    I've phoned Celotex technical support and they said that the fixing must extend 35mm into the wall, so both of these fixings will be OK on that front.

    Any suggestions?

    • CommentAuthorMike George
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2012 edited
    I've used the frame fixings many times with no problem. Some will argue that the thermal bridge is less with nylon but for me the difference is insignificant when looking at the whole picture.

    I would scar up the surface of the emulsion as it is effectively a vapour barrier which you do not want on the cold side of the insulation. You could either make lots of dents in it with a claw hammer or scratch the surface with scraper or knife (depending on how solid the bckground is)
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