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    I am looking for a suitable software programme for installation into the heating circuits of some church premises with school rooms.
    The building divided into five separate heating zones and I wish to be able to control the heating in each of five zones all with there own separate time schedules.
    It would be helpful if the programme is able to record bookings for each zone (as a diary / calendar for morning, afternoon and evening use with 12 months advanced schedule of dates) and use the information to control the heating. At present I am using the Microsoft Outlook Calendar for the booking which is very user fiendly but is unable to control heating (unless you know better).
    I would also be grateful if member has tried to obtain grants for using renewable energy for a church property if so could they advise the best approach to make and who to? Grants seem to be available for community halls and homes etc but not churches!
    • CommentAuthorchipedwood
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008
    Well I only know of one type of software than can come close to doing such tasks called automated home. http://www.automatedhome.co.uk/ they have a forum on that site and i'm sure they could help you there.

    As for grants by the sound of it the church is being used as a community center of sorts? If the building is being used for anything that helps the community then whoever gives the grants for community halls in your local authority should be able to help. If not then i think it is up to the church to raise the funds, this sort of reason is why churches commonly have fund raisers and such.

    Hope that helped a bit.
    Re funds, try www.est.org.uk/cafe. They have a funding database. I understand from a colleague that if 'church' seems to be a problem as you describe, sometimes grants can be freed up by churches 'proving' (he did not expand on the degree of proof provided) that they serve a wider community than followers of their own denomination, which most do.
    • CommentAuthorMike George
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2008 edited
    Not sure if this will do what you need http://www.hevacomp.com/software/default.htm
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