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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    Well the tide has turned with the showing of the documentary " the great global warming swindle". The conclusion seem to be very much in line with my minority view that human activity is not responsible for the rise in global temperatures.

    And further the documentary nicely portrayed that the rise in CO2 is not responsible for temperature rises but is a consequence of it!

    Any one see this as a political issue? and will we chew it over a bit?
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    One swallow doesn't make a summer Tony. I'm sure there are people who think the earth is flat too. But that doesn't mean it is. Or are you one of these conspiracy theorists who believe all the 2000 or so IPCC scientists ( working independently) are in the pay of the green fundamentalists?

    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    It was more like an episode of " Grumpy old men " talk about bad science.
    You can't on the one hand say that some scientists are messing with there results for money and then
    expect to be believed when you give your results.

    The fact is we don't know for sure and will only know when its too late or not as the case maybe, it isn't worth the risk.
    Maybe I'm one of "those people who talk about the risks of technology without talking about the benefits " :shocked:
    They were really scraping the barrel with those grumpy old men.
    Patrick Moore was tagged as 'co-founder of Greenpeace' and still trades on his brief spell on the first Rainbow Warrier, but check out this website for his credentials: http://www.fanweb.org/patrick-moore/
    Nigel Claderwas labelled as 'former editor of New Scientist', but that was for a brief spell in the early '70s. He's been on the crazy wing ever since.
    Etc. etc. etc.
    Hi Tony, I was going to post exactly the same question, but you beat me to it!

    I though the programme was very interesting, especially the charts which showed the effects of solar activity [sunspots etc] mimicking historic temperature fluctuations.

    Solar intensity variations were presented as fitting far better than any overlay of CO2, which as you say, was presented as a consequence. Again the curves fitted well.

    This has made me think again, but I would like to see hard reference to the raw data used to create the charts themselves.

    I was also interested to see that Dr Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greepeace was a protagonist
    Hi Biff, cross posted so didn't see your comments about PM. :surprised: I think I will have to become even more cynical and check who people are before blindly believing the spin!
    • CommentAuthorPeter A
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    Great programme, but like all madia you have to read between the lines, liked all the graphs and explanations all very believable, but....................
    My honest opinion, C02 isn't the big issue, it's out of our control anyway. All the hipe by authority is to cover up the real problem which is Peak Oil and Fuel Poverty, now that would be a great programme, wonder if anybody would have the balls to do it? Especially if they had "Dr Albert something or other!" from the link on the Peak Oil thread on the old forum and all the social problems that he spoke about, hope you've all read it, heavy going but well worth the read.
    Posted By: Mike GeorgeFor a more complementary resume of PM see:http://www.greenspirit.com/about.cfm?resume=1" >PMresume

    "Dr. Patrick Moore is an internationally renowned ecologist and environmentalist." Oh no he isn't. That opening line from the website you linked to is what he wrote himself on his own website. Of course it's complementary! If you want something more independant look him up on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Moore_(environmentalist)
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007 edited
    Posted By: Peter A the real problem which is Peak Oil and Fuel Poverty, now that would be a great programme, wonder if anybody would have the balls to do it?

    Milliband understands it, but the political climate is not quite right for him to say so yet. He got very close to it earlier this week. Chris Vernon has just posted a piece on this:

    (Why aren't my hyperlinks working automatically?)
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    Michael Meacher MP, former UK environment minister, seems fairly up to speed on peak oil and is also willing to talk about it.

    Search Google Video for a documentary called, 'Oil, Smoke & Mirrors'.
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    From another forum I frequent, written by someone I respect:


    About two years ago the Telegraph ran a couple of articles by genuine climate experts about the science side of climatology.... commenting in particular on our lack of knowledge, and more particular in the lack of a viable model to explain 'global warming'....... and the almost total lack of evidence for carbon dioxide being the prime driver in current (or past) changes in the earth's average temperature. Its been picked up in a Channel 4 documentary today too...

    Alas, in effect this is a near heresy today... and formed much of the basis for the US arguments in recent climate conferences.... here are some facts from the records.......

    a) Recent climate records compared with industrialisation....
    i) during the last centuary economic growth through industrial activity is focused into the period after 1940. So man made CO2 really starting pumping out in the last seventy years. But for three decades in particular from 1940, the world's temperature constantly declined.... it got cooler when the industrial CO2 content was increasing....
    ii) the total CO2 content in the atmosphere, by volume, is about 0.54%. In terms of greenhouse contribution CO2 comes a very poor third.... about 90% of greenhouse effect is caused by water vapour, but you also need to explain its reflective capability when in cloud form - which varies. The second is CO2 at 0.54%. Less than a fifth can be associated with all man-made contribution. It is a very small amount. We are talking in parts per million here.
    From other sources I've found this assessment of atmospheric greenhouse gases from 2000 by volume
    - Total% - % Natural - % Man-made
    Water Vapour........ - 95.000% - 94.999% - 0.001%
    Carbon Dioxide...... - 3.618% - 3.502% - 0.117%
    Methane (CH4)....... - 0.360% - 0.294% - 0.066%
    Nitrous Oxide (N2O) - 0.950% - 0.903% - 0.047%
    Misc. gases.............- 0.072% - 0.025% - 0.047%
    Total .......................-100.00% - 99.72 - 0.28%
    (By volume ranking understates Methane's actually greater greenhouse effect.)
    iii) the main focus on climatic temp change in the last seventy years should be warming the temperature of the upper atmosphere where the greenhouse effect is focused.... in theory temperature should be increasing faster up there if the green house effect is the cause. No such faster increase in temperature has been found (although regularly searched for).

    b) Recent centuries of climatic variations ...
    i) back to the lack of relationship between CO2 and the climate record.... and the so called CO2 warming models....
    in the hundred years 1840-1940 the world warmed quite considerably, yet the addition due to CO2 was missing.... and the contribution by man negligible.
    We can go on..... for two and a half centuries in the 1350 to 1580 period.. Europe experienced what is now called a Mini Ice Age..... the Thames frozen in the hard winters, cold summers and snow across Europe..... and the CO2 variation? none existent. No CO2 driver of climate there then.
    What's more we can go on, back into the records.... for just before this was a Mediaeval Warm Period... about 350 years long. It was very warm in Europe - warmer than today or what is projected for the next 50 years....with vines grown in Northern England. But there were no catastrophic effects. We actually lived very well. The great period of cathedral building.
    Further back we can go - through the earth's cycles of warm and cold periods.... much warmer than the projections for this century and then much colder... the earth naturally goes through these cycles without a coal fired power station in sight! .... the last time the North Pole had no ice was about 3000 years ago..... we did not drown, the Polar Bears (a definitive species for atleast 150,000 years) went on survivng just as they will again. Greenland was much greener then, before it got cold again.
    ii) Finally an alternative argument from the distant past regarding the doomsday notion of climate change with high CO2.... the Cambrian period - greatest explosion of life in the planet's history continued with atmospheric CO2 somewhere between 10 and 20 times our levels. It was not disastrous to life or the environment then either.


    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007


    c) Ice core records .... another wicked untruth.... if you honestly track the temperature records out of the bubbles of gas trapped in the polar and antarctic ice cores, and compare with the variations in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide especially coming out of an Ice Age... then the CO2 levels lag behind the increase in temperature by about 800 years.
    I'll repeat with a bit more statistics.... the best fit for the data is that the changes in CO2 are LAGGED BY 800 Years. Now you can check with available internet data. But what can take that long to make this sort of change? Well some of the theories point to the oceans. But quite how they do this is not well understood.
    d) Levels of oceanic gases and sea mean temperature
    The oceans play a major role in global temperature levels too.... as heat sink, gas absorber/ releaser, prime mover of warm and cold water towards the poles in ocean currents. Without a clear understanding of this role in your model, you don't really have a predictive model at all.
    One thing is challenged from some of the older work regarding the melting of polar ice - it happens regularly and does not set off huge rises in ocean levels alone. It is the thermal expansion of the oceans due to increases in average sea temp. that cause most of the sea level rise ..... and this takes hundreds of years, not a couple of decades.

    Things not on the CO2/ carbon emmissions agenda regarding climate change....
    1) It is happening all the time (earth's climate change)
    2) Variations in solar activity (sun spot and high frequency radiation) is the best statistical match to explain a) and b) above, And to Harvard Astro-physicists the fit is.... "on a decade by decade basis" stated in 2005. How? We really don't know enough to say - but there are debated theories about cloud formation around the planet and the role of sun cosmic ray emmissions.......

    2) Global warming by greenhouse gas models have not taken sufficient account of clouds to date. To understate or deny any causal effects of the planetary water cycles, the role of water vapour, and the impact of increasing the formation of clouds.... is common, is this because the effects would actually swamp any changes due to CO2?
    The amount of CO2 being pumped out by man is being regularly exagerated in these models, again is this because the effects are simply not big enough otherwise? The case for man made CO2 as the primary driver of warming is negligible.

    3) Clouds, formation and dissipation seem to have a lot to do with atmospheric and global temperature regulation. And the main driver for cloud formation on a planetary change basis is.... the sun (according to alternative theories).

    4) The role of the variations in the sun's activity is statistically by far the most obvious link to explaining changes in recent and past global temperature. And yet it is generally ignored.

    Now can someone explain how have we got to a point where carbon dioxide is talked of as the primary driver, and the very small proportion of atmospheric CO2 caused by industrialisation is the primary global enemy and world polutant?
    Band wagons are rolling all over the planet.... can you hear the chink of sponsorship in the banks of the researchers?

    But this has nothing really to do with the science of our planet's climate does it?
    And we have prospered in the passed through temperature changes far greater than those anticipated from a an increase in atmospheric CO2 by a few tenths of a percent.
    The earth's own feedback mechanisms have coped with far more radical and drastic changes in the past.

    We need this science clear and true and the best we can do..... to help save the world's people, to waste so much resource throwing it in the wrong direction at the wrong time would be criminal wouldn't it?


    I'm sure there's answers - what does the team think?
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    I happen to know the maker of this programme. He's made a number of documentaries questioning the rigour of accepted 'scientific truths'. I think the main thing we should take from it is the need for better informed discussion in the press and elsewhere. Sure this film made some tenuous claims, but none more tenuous than the claims it was trying to dismiss. In my view this makes it less wrong than blindly accepting unproved theories about things (such as climate systems) which are patently hideously complex and perhaps impossible to assess accurately.

    Note that the film didn't discuss in any detail the ongoing political issues surrounding the control of fossil fuel supply, which for me are bigger motivators for energy conservation/ alternative supply. It limited itself to criticising the science.
    I saw the programme last night and it did make me wonder whether we are being conned, especially when they showed that graph which showed carbon dioxide lagging global temperatures. The correlation with the sunspot activity was very persuasive as well. On the other hand, the contributors seemed a bit of a ragged bunch, personally I'd never heard of any of them, and there are some very eminent people who take a different view.

    I think the problem here is that it is virtually impossible to get a complete and objective statement of the evidence which is understandable to the lay person. We have to rely on the media and various books on the subject which all have a slant on them which reflects the opinion of the reporter or author. It is clear that there is a relationship between CO2 and global temperature but which is the cause and which the effect? Could it be that sunspot activity drives temperature and some kind of global feedback process drives up atmospheric CO2? If so, what is this process? They didn't propose one in the programme last night, unless I missed it.

    I've just had a search about on the internet and seen comment that casts doubt on the theory that sun spot activity can be responsible alone for global temperature changes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_variation. It suggests that this is based on old discredited data which was misinterpreted. I've also had a look at a graph showing global temperature against atmospheric CO2 and I can't see any conclusive pattern of CO2 lagging temperature as was suggested last night. I can't see a pattern either way, other than a general correlation between the two, and when you consider that sun spot activity will be having an influence as well that seems reasonable.

    What the film failed to explain is how, when the Sun is 25% hotter than it was when the Earth was formed, the temperature of the Earth still remains habitable and is actually cooler than at times in the past. The only theory we have to explain this is Gaia, the self regulating Earth, where the existence of living organisms on the planet acts to control atmospheric CO2 to fine tune the Greenhouse Effect and maintain a comfortable temperature for life to continue to exist. In other words, Gaia will react to changes in the solar radiation output from the Sun by altering the concentration of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This explains why CO2 has tended to trend downwards over time (it was 10% of the atmosphere of the early Earth) and also explains why there have been continual cycles of rising and falling CO2 closely correlated to global temperatures.

    So the Sun determines the solar radiation input to the Earth (increasing over time and also cycling due to Sun spot activity). Gaia acts on atmospheric CO2, in repsonse to changes in the level of solar radiation, and the resulting global temperatures are the result of the interaction of the two things. Given that we are rapidly and sustantially increasing atmospheric CO2, and we are drastically degrading Gaia's ability to act on atmospheric CO2 by felling rainforests etc, and that the Sun spot activity seems to have been high since the middle of the last century (as reported in the film last night), we are right to be concerned about increases in global temperature.

    Last night's film was well put together and I found it initially persuasive. On reflection, I'm back to thinking it would be dangerously irresponsible not to get emissions under control. Given that Peak Oil will take care of reductions in our use of hydrocarbons soon enough, the only practical question last nights film raised was whether we can burn coal in conventional power stations or whether we have to use carbon capture technology. One way or another, that coal will coming out of the ground and getting burnt...
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    Interesting, Guest - who are you?
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    a media type and enthusiastic amateur builder
    Oh come on, we need a reality check here. Channel 4 have cobbled together a popularist, dumbed down programme with a buch of climate change deniers, most of whom are well known for their track record of pseudoscience and vested interest positions.

    The recent IPCC report came down in support of Anthropogenic climate change with a certainty about as good as anything in the scientific world. The greater than 90% probability figure was itself watered down from Greater than 95% on political pressure from China and Saudi Arabia. Other political pressure removed most of the references to the dangers of feedback that the scientist had in the earlier draft.

    The arguement on climate change is over. We now need to do something about it. Of course there still is an issue about whether the effects of Peak Oil will hit us first - but that was beyond the IPCC remit.
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007

    ..."a buch of climate change deniers, most of whom are well known for their track record of pseudoscience and vested interest positions."

    I'd be really interested if you could be more specific
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    Guest, considering that individuals' credentials and axes-to-grind is a real issue here, I think you must declare yourself if you want to join in.
    Re: vested interest,

    This was part of the argument levelled against those who accept the C02 argument. I found the point made about research funding particularly interesting, and know from personal experience that if you apply for funding on subject matter which upsets the status quo you are very unlikely to get anything. It follows therefore that towing the line is in itself, the easier route to follow. Is this not itself - vested interest?
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    For the most part I thought it was a very badly made programme and on looking up some of the speakers their credentials start to look more than a little weak. But I did think the debate about the Climate Change industry now having a momentum of it’s own interesting and the link between Thatcher and the protest movement is worth looking into.

    It is worth bearing in mind that the issue is now being run by a lot of vested interests whose jobs and company profits depend on Climate Change (including myself to some extent). This was made clear at this Ecobuild conference where everything being sold was there to prevent climate change / reduce CO2 emissions. This has only just started more CO2 will be produced selling us useless CO2 cutting measures. It is classic capitalism you can sell something that causes a problem and then sell the solution.

    I would like to see someone cleverer than me go through the facts given on the programme and either confirm or disprove them it is important that the information given is tested in some way.
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    How does logging in as Guest work? How do we tell one Guest from another or am I mssing something here? Why would a member have an identifying name and yet a guest does not?
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    The more I remember about the program the harder I laugh.
    When it was suggested that the whole reason for reducing CO2 emissions was to stop third world countries developing,
    cut to woman in mud hut (complete with baby) choking to death on the fire because she didn't have electricity.
    I nearly wet myself, LOL:bigsmile:
    I didn't find that particularly funny myself
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    While I could see nothing funny about the shots of the woman cooking I couldn't work out the point were they seriously suggesting that If it were not for the threat of Climate Change Africa could be wired up for using electric cookers. It is a ludicrous argument.

    Sorry I am logged on as a guest as I can't remember my Password

    Geoff Stow
    Posted By: GuestBiff

    I'd be really interested if you could be more specific

    Well I've already been specific about Moore and Calder. Here's something specific about Martin Durkin, who made this programme:

    Getting your science from charlatans
    This man takes liberties with facts. He has no scientific background
    George Monbiot, Guardian, Thursday March 16, 2000

    In October 1998, a television producer named Martin Durkin took a proposal to the BBC's science series, Horizon. Silicone breast implants, he claimed, far from harming women, were in fact beneficial, reducing the risk of breast cancer. Horizon commissioned a researcher to find out whether or not his assertion was true.
    After a thorough review, the researcher reported that Mr Durkin had ignored a powerful body of evidence contradicting his claims.

    Martin Durkin withdrew his proposal. Instead of dropping it, however, he took it to Channel 4 and, astonishingly, sold it to their science series, Equinox. To help him make the programme, Durkin hired Najma Kazi, a highly respected TV researcher and producer who was previously a research biochemist. After
    two weeks she walked out. "It's not a joke to walk away from four or five months' work," she told me, "but my research was being ignored. The published research had been construed to give an impression that's not the case. I don't know how that programme got passed. The only consolation for me was that I'm really glad I didn't put my name to it."

    But the programme was broadcast, in May last year. Silicone implants, it insisted, appeared to reduce the incidence of breast cancer. Women claiming that their operations had caused severe health problems were dismissed as cranks, malingerers and compensation-chasers. The researchers who believed that there was a problem were accused of practising "junk science".

    Mr Durkin has often been accused of taking liberties with the facts. In 1997 he made a series for Channel 4 called Against Nature, which compared environmentalists like me to Nazis, conspiring against the world's poor. No one would suggest that green claims should not be subjected to critical examination, but the people he interviewed were lied to about the contents of the programmes and given no chance to respond to the accusations the series made.

    The Independent Television Commission handed down one of the most damning verdicts it has ever reached: the programme makers "distorted by selective
    editing" the views of the interviewees and "misled" them about the "content and purpose of the programmes when they agreed to take part". Channel 4 was
    forced to make a humiliating prime time apology. After the series was broadcast, I discovered that the assistant producer and several of its interviewees worked for the rightwing libertarian magazine masquerading as Living Marxism, which has just been successfully sued by ITN. All the arguments Against Nature made had been rehearsed in LM.

    So what do you do with a director with a record like this, who has brought your channel into disrepute, who has misled both his contributors and his audience? If you are Michael Jackson, the head of Channel 4, you commission him to make more programmes.

    On Monday, Channel 4 will broadcast a 90-minute Equinox programme about genetic engineering, made by Martin Durkin and called, appropriately enough,
    Modified Truth. Already it appears that the programme has suffered from Mr Durkin's characteristic approach. "I feel completely betrayed and misled", reports Dr Mae-Wan Ho, a geneticist whom Durkin interviewed. "They did not tell me it was going to be an attack on my position."

    Neither Martin Durkin nor, extraordinarily, Charles Furneaux, the commissioning editor of the Equinox science series, has a science background. They don't need one, for science on Channel 4 has been reduced to a crude manifesto for corporate libertarianism.

    Perhaps intellectual honesty is too fusty, too boring, for the chic, postmodern Channel 4. But perhaps there is something else at work; perhaps we should question whether senior staff have come to identify themselves with the companies providing their revenues, and are, as a result, seeking to modify the truth. If so, then it is hardly surprising that they have handed so much work to a charlatan.

    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    Nigel Calder, according to Wikipedia, was editor of New Scientist from 1962-66, so in this case "former" means 40 years ago !!
    Yes, Calder's been using that bit of his cv for a very long time. Fortunately the New Scientist magazine has moved on and is a much more reliable source of information than Channel 4
    I can see that there is much critisism of those who were involved in the programme, and this may be well founded. But there is very little counter argument to dispute the message given. Come on guys, if they really are talking bull let's discuss it rather than just throwing verbal tomatoes. What about this correlation between sunspots and temperature fluctuations? What about fostertom's logical summary of the arguments above?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2007
    It is a very difficult and slow process to stop a juggernaut and this for sure is more like one of those than it is like a band waggon.

    Now that we have started I would like to hear more from the silent on lookers who know stuff but are not sharing it with us.

    Please guys I do not like character assassinations on here either. There has been an enormous pressure to toe the party line and defer to the global warming lobby for too long now.
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