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    I am building a selfbuild PassivHaus and have some Nu-Lok roofing materials left over. They are verge trims, battens, link channels with clips, tiles, ridge flashings, hip soakers and valley soakers. They are free if collected from East Kent, otherwise they will go for scrap. I can give a detailed list if anyone is interested.
    I also have a 3.5m length of 600mm diameter twin wall ribbed soil pipe for £40 collected.
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2012
    Bit far for me in Edinburgh! How much and is this over estimation by them?

    Would really appreciate some feedback on the system as I am 90% going to use it. Did you fit it yourself or use their fitting? Did you close fix the hips? Just anything you can add would be really helpful - a new thread perhaps.
    Here is a list of the items. I'll start a new thread on Nu-Lok feedback explaining why some items weren't used.
    (17) 3m verge trims
    (10) 4m battens
    (120) link channels with clips
    (70) hip soakers
    (100) valley soakers
    (70) tiles
    (5) 3m ridge caps
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2012
    Ok thanks. I assume you are keeping at least some of the bits as spares. Always a good idea.
    I've taken spares into account.
    The soil pipe has been sold.
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