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Posted By: Mike GeorgeI'd like to understand all of this to a level where I can competently justify insulation placement based on not just thermal properties but Hygrothermal properties as well.
A good starting point for me would be justifying the breathability rule of thumb by actual numbers for example constructions. I've read that the internal surface 'resistance' should be 3 - 5 times greater than the outside, with presumably a gradient in between.
So what is 'the perfect breathable construction/ and what are the associated hygrothermal properties?
Posted By: SteamyTeaIs there a wall construction design that does not give a problem with humidity
Posted By: djhPosted By: Mike GeorgeI'd like to understand all of this to a level where I can competently justify insulation placement based on not just thermal properties but Hygrothermal properties as well.
A good starting point for me would be justifying the breathability rule of thumb by actual numbers for example constructions. I've read that the internal surface 'resistance' should be 3 - 5 times greater than the outside, with presumably a gradient in between.
So what is 'the perfect breathable construction/ and what are the associated hygrothermal properties?
Hygrothermal properties are to do with how much water vapour a material can aborb and/or subsequently release. Permeability is to do with how much water vapour a material can transmit from one side to the other. They're different but related.
Water vapour goes from an area with high partial vapour pressure (not RH!) to an area with lower partial vapour pressure. That is generally inside to outside in winter. Summer is more indeterminate. In hot muggy conditions, water vapour may be driven from inside to outside (e.g. like the water driven from an unventilated cavity behind masonry into the OSB and timber frame in another thread)
"Breathable" is a combination of permeability and hygrothermal storage. It basically means a wall construction that allows water vapour to pass through without free liquid water forming within the wall.
You can build a "breathable" wall without any hygrothermal content at all, as long as the wall never admits more vapour into the warm side than can get out the cold side at the same time (roughly).
If you add some hygrothermal material then more water can be allowed into the wall than can get out, and the water is stored in the hygrothermal material until some time later (e.g.summer) conditions change so that the water can get out again. If too much water is allowed in or conditions never allow it to escape, then the hygrothermal material will become saturated and liquid water appears in the wall, and rot starts.
Calculating what works and what doesn't is complicated and needs something like WUFI. Traditional ways of calculating condensation risk are known not to work in some cases. The 3-1 or 4-1 or 5-1 rules of thumb are just that and shouldn't really be relied on. Equally straw bales with lime on the outside and clay on the inside violate those rules but appears to work anyway.
I've found anything written by John Straube or Tim Padfield to be very useful. Neil May also knows his onions but has an axe to grind. And there are others.
Posted By: fostertomThe rules of thumb like outer = 5x inner, and the euler programs, seem to 'work' i.e. no disasters follow.
Posted By: Mike GeorgeAny chance you could list a hypothetical [Part L compliant] construction based on the 5 : 1 principle for an existing wall scenario? Also when you say 5:1, what values are you relying on?
Posted By: djhthe 5:1 refers to the ratio between the inner and outer layerYou mean the layer(s) in between don't matter (as long as 'below the curve' in resistance) - so it's not necessary to achieve a fairly smoothly curving resistance gradient? I'd say prob not necessary.
Posted By: fostertomYou mean the layer(s) in between don't matter (as long as 'below the curve' in resistance) - so it's not necessary to achieve a fairly smoothly curving resistance gradient? I'd say prob not necessary.
I still am not clear whether we're taking about Resistance, or Resistivity of the 2 layers. I'm inclined to think it's Resistivity i.e. about the local gradient of the curve, not the area under the curve. What do you think?