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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRobur
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2012

    Just read the Raspberry Pi thread - looking really good.

    In the post this morning I got my CISECO EVE http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ciseco/eve-alpha-raspberry-pi-wireless-development-hardwa which plugs onto the Raspi to give you wireless options a-plenty. I havn't tried it yet but perhaps over the coming hols. Dealing with Linux might take some getting used to but all good fun learning.

    At the moment I'm using SolderCore which is a real treat and so much more robust than my previous Arduino based get up: http://www.airsensor.co.uk/component/zoo/item/soldercore-co2-shield-to-cosm-sd-card.html

    The code it written in BASIC and is sweetly short/easy to read :-).... all good fun.
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2012
    Posted By: RoburDealing with Linux might take some getting used to but all good fun learning.
    Or incredibly frustrating :cry:
    I may look at Bluetooth as a way to get a keyboard and mouse and transfer files to it.
    Though go t it running on the wireless at them moment, can't get it to connect via the Ethernet though. Can ping the router, can use TightVNC across my network (but have no idea how to make it start at bootup) but just can't get it to talk to 'outside'. All very frustrating.
    • CommentAuthorRobur
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2012
    hmmmm, maybe I will stick with SolderCore after all - Raspi may just be too complex for data logging? - it took me no time at all to get SolderCore running and it will boot the script after a power fail just like arduino. The other nice thing, although I haven't tried it, is that you can connect to the SolderCore from afar to update firware etc - ideal when its half way across the country :-)
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2012
    I got someone else to write the code to read my CurrentCost meter, it starts automatically after a power down.
    In time I am sure I will get to understand how to do more with it, but at the moment it does what I need for my project (collect electrical data) and that gets me out of a hole cheaply.
    • CommentAuthorgaree
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2014
    SteamyTea - I have a Pi operating over a wireless network at the moment.

    Are you trying to connect via a hardwired network, or a wireless network ?

    There's a guide to using a hardwired network here http://www.raspberryshake.com/raspberry-pistatic-ip-address/
    Getting wireless to work usually involves installing a driver for which-ever dongle you choose. I went for the TP-Link TL-WN725N.

    With wireless, I had write an additional script to start the network running because the Pi stops its wireless network connection when the router is switched off. The script runs every hour-or-so to restart the wireless services in the hope that the router has been switched back on.

    Let me know if you need any specific advice on getting the Pi to talk to the network.

    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2014
    I got one of each, both can disconnect for no apparent reason, though it may be the router disconnecting, never checked that.

    Friend of mine got the USB WiFi devices for me, would have to check what they are. They work right out the box though.
    Over on my RPi thread someone mentioned about a bit of software that can check on scripts running and restart them when they stop. Not had time to play with it yet but will get around to it soon.
    • CommentAuthorMackers
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2014
    All this raspberrypi talk really makes me want mine.

    Hopefully within the next week. I'm going for a hard wired solution over twisted pair cat5e as the components are cheap.

    If u do consider wireless go look at enoceanpi I've specified their products through work and their very good. They use various forms of technology for wireless that has no batteries, like kinetic energy and PV.
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2014
    Posted By: MackersI'm going for a hard wired solution over twisted pair cat5e as the components are cheap.
    Makes setting up really easy. There is a NOOBs image you can download, then you just pick which OS you want to run on the RPi. Very easy to set up.
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2014
    Posted By: MackersIf u do consider wireless go look at enoceanpi

    Ooh! Shiny! Thanks for that. I want one.

    Reality bites ... what are prices like for the Enocean devices themselves, these days?
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2014 edited
    I asked: "Reality bites ... what are prices like for the Enocean devices themselves, these days?"

    Hmm, still over £70 for a switch :cry:


    And £100 for a temperature sensor or £300 for one with relative humidity :shocked:
    • CommentAuthorgaree
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2014
    Hi SteamyTea.

    This is my bash script which is called from crontab once an hour. It checks for the presence of the wireless network and attempts to start the service only if it has stopped.

    # If the network is down, try to restart it

    packets=`ping -c 1 | grep -ic "1 received"`
    #echo "${packets} packet(s) recevied from pinging"

    if [ "${packets}" == "0" ]; then

    # network is or was down
    #echo "Attempting to restart the network"

    cd /etc/init.d
    sudo ./networking stop >>/dev/null
    sleep 5
    sudo ./networking start >>/dev/null


    The serial cable came from Amazon "Pi RS232 cable Raspberry Pi Pi Console cable", but it needed a "gender changer" to plug into the Dylos.

    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
    Posted By: gareeThis is my bash script which is called from crontab once an hour. It checks for the presence of the wireless network and attempts to start the service only if it has stopped.
    Try the package monit - does this but at a system level rather than cron. If you start the reading script as a daemon, it will monitor that as well.

    Wireless really is so unreliable (and slow) which is why my house is flooded with Cat6 cable.
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
    Posted By: gareeThere's a guide to using a hardwired network
    You will only need this if you are not using DHCP whether it is wired or wireless.
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
    Monit, that was it, really should get around to having a look at it, trouble is things seem to be going quite well and reliably at the moment :bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorgaree
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
    Hi borpin.

    All the logging is done locally on the Pi. The only thing I use the WiFi for is a weekly ftp session to transfer the log files to a PC.

    What I need now is an easy way to convert csv files from the Dylos, into daily graphs.

    • CommentAuthorSprocket
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
    Have you looked at GNUplot ?
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014 edited
    Posted By: gareeWhat I need now is an easy way to convert csv files from the Dylos, into daily graphs.
    Excel or LibreOffice. There is also GNUPlot. I think that Google have some web enables charting software too.
    • CommentAuthordereke
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2014
    This project https://github.com/talltom/PiThermServer may be of interest.

    I've not actually got a Pi yet, but if I ever get around to it this is the kind of setup I would probably look at.
    • CommentAuthorgaree
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2014
    Thanks for your replies.

    Sprocket - I did look at GNUplot and it almost does the job, but the axis labels graph becomes quite messy with a whole day's worth of data from the Dylos (one reading every minute). I couldn't figure out how to reduce the number of labels on an axis. Even averaging the readings into 15 minute intervals didn't reduce the clutter.

    I have OpenOffice installed at home, and Excel at work. I did plot a graph with these, but it took quite a bit of manual labour. I'd like to be able to automate the production of the graphs.

    I'm open to other suggestions - or even some expertise with GNUplot :-)

    The GNUplot config file I was using as a template is...
    set terminal png
    set datafile separator ','
    set key autotitle columnhead
    set output "DayFiles\Hours_040613.png"
    set xlabel "Time"
    set ylabel "Particle Count per cubic foot"
    set title "6th April 2013"
    set xtics nomirror rotate by -90
    plot "DayFiles\\Hours_040613.csv" using 1:2 with lines, "" using 1:3 with lines, "" using 1:xticlabels(1)

    • CommentAuthorgaree
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2014
    Thanks to Sprocket, I got back onto gnuplot and came up with a re-worked gnuplot file that seems to work well for Dylos's csv data...

    set terminal jpeg
    set datafile separator ','
    set key autotitle columnhead
    set xlabel " "
    set ylabel "Particles per foot^3"
    set xtics nomirror rotate by -90

    set xdata time
    set timefmt "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"

    set style data lines
    set output "dylos.jpg"
    set title "Dylos Data"
    plot "dylos.csv" using 1:2 title "PM 10", "" using 1:3 title "PM 2.5"

    Hope this helps someone.
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