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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2013
    Can we deliver the promised 80% carbon savings by 2050.

    Bear in mind we are already behind any reasonable target position on the pathway to 2050 and the path gets unpleasantly steep towards the end.

    Keith Bothwell in his excellent article in the current GBF raises some very serious questions about our ability to deliver the necessary retrofit energy saving measures into our building stock. Is there any hope of us doing it - no I don't think that there is.
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2013
    Posted By: tonyBear in mind we are already behind any reasonable target position on the pathway to 2050
    Are we, not according to this:

    Look at the CO2 Emissions table.
    • CommentAuthorSeret
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2013
    Nope. Ridiculous target.

    Have a play with this tool:


    ...and you'll see that quite a lot of unrealistic things have to happen quite soon to hit the target.
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2013 edited
    "As much as half of the world's food, amounting to two billion tonnes worth, is wasted, a UK-based report has claimed.
    The study also found that up to 30% of vegetables in the UK were not harvested because of their physical appearance.
    The report said that between 30% and 50% of the four billion tonnes of food produced around the world each year went to waste.
    It suggested that half the food bought in Europe and the US was thrown away."

    As food production and delivery is so energy/CO2 demanding , perhaps if we tried to deal with this issue
    we might have more chance of achieving CO2 reduction goals
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2013 edited
    Posted By: jamesingramAs food production and delivery is so energy/CO2 demanding
    Not that bad really compared to other energy using categories, according to Milani, Nutter and Thomas (2011), 21% of human GHG can be attributed to food production. of which only a tiny percentage is for transport (as long as you don't drive to the organic farm shop!!)
    As I am doing some reading on this, I have noticed that there are several ways of calculating (different methodologies) the CO2e/kg of food products. This makes comparison impossible, and example of this is cheesemaking (not for the meek). The highest impact was the dairy production at 94%, dairy production plant at 4.2%, 1.4% for the remainder when the 1% rule is invoked. This means a kilo lump of Angsgarden cheese has 8.794 kg of CO2e attached to it. Making the transport less than 0.123 kg. To really muddy the water, some measures of dairy farming take beef production into account, while others do not. If the farm has both dairy and beef, then it is relatively easy to split them, but it has been noticed that dairy yields have gone up, leading to less cows needed, but this is counteracted by beef production rising, causing the same environmental effect overall.
    If you want to 'help the planet' avoid yoghurt, most ends up in the bin.

    If anyone is interested in dairy production and energy use, I can send papers on the promise that they read them and précis them for me, then I can concentrate on the more interesting electrical bit :bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2013
    The reason that such targets will probably never be hit is our society thinks/plans in very short terms and these targets are long term. Business wise it is the next quarter and at the most a year. Non of the bigger companies have a serious 5, 10 or 15+ year plan. Politically we have 5 year term of government but in reality it is also budget to budget.

    If we want to reach a 50 year target then it needs a longer thinking society. Will we reach it no but I am sure the governments involved in 2048 will be able to redefine and massage the figures so they fit:sad:

    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2013
    There is an old say 'we get the government that we deserve'.
    I have great belief in human ingenuity and adaptability which leads to the 'wisdom of the crowd'. Sometimes this mean that we willingly and knowingly do things that have a short term gain but a long term cost because we know we can put things right later on. At the risk of being UK centric, but probably holds true in most places, we can tolerate a certain amount of environmental change, so one sweet wrapper in a national park is not considered an environmental problem, more a societal problem, building wind turbines on a national part is considered an environmental problem and not a societal one. A lot of it has to do with scale and your personal distance from the issue.
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