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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorSilky
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2018 edited
    I just need a brain check, if anyone can help.

    Have been looking at windows for weeks now, looking at the options for a narrower frame view ( Nordic / Danish / Integral styles etc.. ), i.e. to maximise the visible glass area in retrofit. But something I still don't get ( I think I have forgotten ), what are the potential issues with frame depth ( into the wall )?


    Typical Inward opening continental windows, i.e. 120mm width 80mm depth
    Typical Outward opening continental windows, e.g. 80 mm width 120mm depth

    Are deeper profiles problematic for inward opening windows? or something else ?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2018
    Basically loss of glass/light area is the main consideration

    Typically a fanlight with uPVC frames is more frame than glass area for fanlight.

    Is this for newbuild or retrofit and dg or 3g?
    • CommentAuthorSilky
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2018 edited
    thanks Tony, retrofit 3g. Windows will be built into the facade just in front of the existing wall, Typical window something like 900 x 1300 mm, and I'm trying to avoid that problem of the frame overpowering the glass. Question really came because I noticed that every website I visit says something like "Frame depth, only 86 mm", so now I see, if it is very deep it will close the angle even further
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2018
    I would make the windows considerably bigger than the masonry openings, will you be going outward or inward opening?
    • CommentAuthorSilky
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2018 edited
    that was exactly my long-term plan, to try to 'lose' the fat frame by going in front of the existing wall and enlarging. I've since bottled it slightly as I'm afraid that I will order the windows and then find something doesn't work, working it through at the moment. Currently thinking just to overlap the outside 10 to 20mm each side, so that the entire sash would still fit inside the existing opening, even though the they will open outwards. Is it possible to go much bigger? I'm currently on the Nordic Plus profile from Rehau, seems to fit my needs without being anything too fancy.
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