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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    Just need to know how to 'chip' it now 😅
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: Victorianeco</cite>Just need to know how to 'chip' it now 😅</blockquote>

    or just keep riding it legally.

    you can buy loads of gadgets that block/limit the speed signal to the motor, but the diagnostics will still clearly show that it's been abused (as it will have been running at the limit far more than any bike being ridden normally) and will void your warranty and wear out the motor.
    In the USA the legality is different, so I'd say the motor is more than capable surely?
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2021
    I caught a part of an interview on R4 yesterday afternoon of a lady who was hit by a E scooter. The description of her injuries were horrific. 7 hospital interventions difficulty with walking and disfigured for life. I hate to think what would have been outcome with a bike. Think it would be very unwise to chip a bike. I had a go with my neighbour's bike, the acceleration was phenomenal and what struck me most was how heavy the bike and top heavy it was, there would be considerable momentum in such a bike and potentially fatal to anyone in a collision with it.
    Victorianeco - do you have third party insurance when riding your e-bike.
    Is it required in the UK? IMO a good idea anyway if not. (But chipping it will void any policy)
    Do insurance companies regard them as vehicles or can you get third party cover as part of a household policy (A few years back I recall you could but I'm not sure of todays options).
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2021
    If it doesnt meet the EPAC rules its either a moped or motorbike depending on which type approval you choose. As its a moped/motorbike its unlikely to be insurable on a cycle/house policy.
    • CommentAuthorRobL
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2021
    As long as you're at least 14 years old :-) you can ride an ebike in the UK without insurance, so long as it's not a dodgy fast one like I see every now and then. If it's legit, insurance is cheap; we have family CTC membership - you get a bike magazine and insurance thrown in.
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2021
    I insure mine on my household policy. I'm a CTC (well Cycling UK or whatever it's called these days) member but their free insurance is very restrictive, so I need to buy a policy and my household insurers were cheaper than the CTC policies. Their free policy doesn't cover theft does it?
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