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    This is a post from another thread so that it can be found a little more easily next time.


    >Hi Ferdinand,
    >what is clear for me is that very little was done since 2013, eg. after CERT finding was discontinued, while ECO and >Green deal never took off. So no much change in stats from 2013 really, in my opinion.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have found some figures after a little dig. The numbers are relatively small but still 1 million plus in 3 years.

    This was my previous reference, which ran up to mid-2013:

    This document "Statistical Release: Green Deal and ECO Headline Statistics" covers the period from early 2013 up until November 2015, which was more or less the end of the programme but any money left was spent later. I think that is a a decent outline description.


    There is a summary spreadsheet with detailed numbers. An "action" is a measure applied to a dwelling, so cavity wall insulation, new or improved wall insulation and a boiler would be 3 actions.

    The totals are for the period Jan 2013 to Sect 2013 under the ECO, Green Deal, Cashback or Affordable Warmth programmes:

    1,591,822 "measures" applied to >1 million dwellings. For detailed no of dwellings read the SS as there is a significant buggeration of category overlaps. There are also approx another 75k measurees under "cashback", "Green Deal Finance Programmes", and "Green Deal Home Improvement Fund".

    Under the ECO Programme:
    Boiler: 333,456
    Cavity Wall Insulation: 605,685
    Loft Insulation: 419,696 (177k virgin, 235k topup, 7k room-in-roof)
    Other Heating: 116,800 (103k of which are Heating Controls)
    Other insulation: 11,927
    Solid Wall Insulation: 101k (Incl 93k EWI)
    Glazing: 4k

    For more detailed stats check the link.

    The interesting one for me is the 101k EWI installs. That is perhaps 1.5% of UK solid walled properties upgraded by this programme in 2 years (ie: not enough).


    Copied from:
    Type: Sect 2013 to Sept 2013.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2016
    Very interesting , thanks, presumably these figures have now dropped back to virtually zero whereas they need to be ramping up radically.

    There are business opportunities out there
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2016
    I actually don't think there are business opportunities out there. There are philanthropic opportunities, but I don't see how money can be made in this sector with energy as cheap as it is, and potential customers being as uninterested as they are.
    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2016 edited
    It needs funding with a life time of at least 10 years, so that companies can depend on the work, and landlords can plan. British unemployed people should be trained to do the work, but once again this needs a long term funding commitment.

    Under the old setup for example a landlord could not get funding if the property was empty, it also took a very long time to sort it out, and the work would be done when the company felt like it, so not able to be fitted in with a void, or other work being done to the property.

    We had a replacement boiler due to my wife being disabled, the companies that did the work expected to be able to phone up our home phone (not the mobile they have been given as well) and DEMAND she stop whatever work she was doing and come home, as disabled people are assume to be worthless and not working. The assessment people were just as bad, as they expect you to be home all day, rather than committing to an appointment.

    A landlord depends on the tenant agreeing to the work, yet a lot of tenants will never benefit, as they are unlikely to remain in the property for long enough to get a payback on the disruption due to the companies not caring.
    As if on schedule, I just contacted the insulation installers to get my free loft insulation organised after the survey ten days ago in the one I had dry-lined the week before last, and the insulation company had contacted the T, made an arrangement, and done the work yesterday.

    Self-renovating tenants are so much easier, as long as they are competent self-renovating tenants :-) .

    The only bit I have missed out on, assuming it is done properly, is the extra 100mm I would have paid for on top, and that I would have asked them to do it in 2 halves so the middle could be rolled back to access the walkway to the boiler.

    This particular insulation company say they have worked on 130k dwellings over 25 years.

    I have seen some reference to ECO 2 while digging for these stats.

    "In the Autumn Statement 2013 in December 2013, the Coalition Government announced that it would extend the time scale for the ECO by 2 years to March 2017 and reduce the annual costs in consumer energy bills, estimated to be by £50 including the cost of other measures. The implementing legalisation came into force on 4 December 2014.

    In the Spending review and Autumn statement 2015 on 25 November 2015, the Government announced that it would bring forward proposals aimed at reducing the projected cost of green policies on the average annual household energy bill by £30 from 2017. The bulk of these savings will come from reforms to the current Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme. This will be replaced from April 2017 with a new cheaper domestic energy efficiency supplier obligation which will run for 5 years [until 2022]. Government is planning to consult on changes to the scheme early in 2016."

    "Savings" does not sound good for mass EWI.

    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2016
    The entire approach to infrastructure spend is broken. It's just not something that can be done on the cheap and can provide short term ROI they can trumpet. So the can will be kicked down the road, more kids will have asthma, more days work lost, the NHS will have to cope with the consequences (gives them an excuse to privatise it when it fails), some people will even die, but hey they get to crack a bottle of DP against a HS2 train so that's alright.
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