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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthoran02ew
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2010 edited
    Got any ideas how seal around duct pipe work, SVP and chimney flues? is there a quick easy fitting adapted for air tight seals? or is it done more manually?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010
    Foam is the obvious even the FR type, or possibly glassfibre rope, or fire cement, or make up a lightweight mortar with vermiculite, point up to finish, and possibly use a stainless type collar to cover the fill. My experience of the UK building supply industry is that generally they are disinterested in such finishing things especially if aesthetics too are involved. Have you tried the flue manufacturers for collars? Do soil vent pipes have to penetrate the outer wall of the building?
    • CommentAuthoran02ew
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2010
    Do soil vent pipes have to penetrate the outer wall of the building?
    maybe not but the svp has to enter at some point to pick the toilet and other waste.
    i have thought about the flue issue for some time we have an existing ingle nook(not sure of the spelling) with a large throat and metal register plate to seal aroud the flue pipe, i can fire cement around etc to create an air tight seal but can i insulate on to of the register plate? and if so what with?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2010
    Lots of stuff available an02ew. Rigid fireproof boards, refactory linings, vermiculite sheet. All intended for high temp applications, furnaces etc. Try www.kitsonsinsulation.co.uk they have UK wide distribution depots. There are others, some even have basic cutting facilities. High grade stuff like this isn't cheap though and you may have to buy a full 8' x 4' sheet.
    • CommentAuthorjms452
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2010
    From seeing our stove fitted a few weeks ago all the non-ultra-high-temperature seals (register plate to chimney inner, twin wall flue/stove pipe adaptor etc) were made with high temperature silicone. Was initally a bit worried until I saw that this goes up to 275C.

    For very high temperature stuff fire cement and glass rope (or lime mortar).
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